Monday Night Combat


Shared on Wed, 08/25/2010 - 16:17

If you are looking for a Time kill until Halo Reach.  Get the game.  You get 6 v 6 multi player and the ability for custom games. A local and co op option for killing " waves" of AI bots.  For the 1200 point price tag it is worth it





Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Wed, 08/25/2010 - 18:10
NO i did however play the demo and its seems entertaining for a bit, but i cant buy it, it will ruin my time with ncaa 11 damn it
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Wed, 08/25/2010 - 19:14
Love it! We purchased it for all 3 of our 360's and play with the boys. Tons of fun. :)
Lala Calamari's picture
Submitted by Lala Calamari on Wed, 08/25/2010 - 19:19
For 1200 points it's a great buy. We're having lots of fun with this game. It'll hold us over until Reach.

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