Halo on the brain


Shared on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 15:26
So... As I am sitting here for another semi-quiet Friday afternoon (First day of the month in trucking= sloooow), I realize I have Halo on the brain. No, it's not because I have visited the site for the 3243th time today (as per usual, hoping there is a new post in one of the number of forums I frequent regularly), but because I hear a coworker giving directions to one of our drivers. "It's going to 416 Beaver Creek Road" I hear her say. It's like a bell goes off in my head. Beaver Creek!! SWEET! Too bad these people would think I was nuts if I turned from my cube with wide eyes and said "she just said BEAVER CREEK!!!!" They hear about my gaming enough as it is, and how Jonny and my vacation of the year will be the Largest LAN ever in Chicago (woots, and they say "what exactly does LAN mean?") but they wouldn't have a clue with this one. Oh well. The good news is it's clan night at 2old2playHALO, so at least there is going to be an outlet for this Halo on the brain!


Gman's picture
Submitted by Gman on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 16:00
That's right...clan night...and our connection is still up so...more Hoggin' for you, my wife, and the Queen....why do you guys h8 us? and run us over? Thank God you can't make the 'Hogs Tbag....
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 16:09
Local Area Network
Flapjaxx's picture
Submitted by Flapjaxx on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 16:52
Haha- thanks beene. I knew that though! I was referring to the folks I work with that have no idea what I mean when I say how cool the LAN is going to be! @Gman: we don't hate, we just enjoy splattering our hubbys!! :)
madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Fri, 06/01/2007 - 18:39
Can't wait to play tonight...maybe us gals could snag the rocket launcher and a hog and give those guys something talk to about tonight, huh?

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