Shared on Fri, 06/08/2007 - 20:00Not once but twice tonight!!! First, we had some bad storms here earlier this evening and our cable (internet) went out. But But.... the clan tourney's at 9:00pm!?! What am I going to DO?? *Whew* it came back up around 8:45pm! Hooray! Then, I heard Jonny in the other room already playing with some of our clanmates, so I went to get on my xbox. But... IT WOULDN'T TURN ON! CRAP! It either pooped out on me, or the storm got it! Son of a.....oh wait. Looks like the power surges tripped the breaker on it- those replacement power things that we had to get from Microsoft after people's xboxes started catching fire years ago caught the surge. I hit "reset" and voila! I get to play with my clannies tonight! Hooray!
Now if I could just get rid of this stupid migraine that's going on 6 days old!!!
Now if I could just get rid of this stupid migraine that's going on 6 days old!!!

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Submitted by Mulchinator on Fri, 06/08/2007 - 20:34
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Fri, 06/08/2007 - 22:31
Submitted by Flapjaxx on Fri, 06/08/2007 - 22:42
Submitted by agedsandshark on Sat, 06/09/2007 - 07:26
Submitted by Dawnfades on Sat, 06/09/2007 - 09:21
Submitted by microscent on Sat, 06/09/2007 - 11:10
Submitted by ThyEnemy on Sat, 06/09/2007 - 14:17
Submitted by Flapjaxx on Sat, 06/09/2007 - 14:51