Saturday Workfest


Shared on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 07:57
Soooo... I got to work this morning at 0830.  Basically, we are getting a new server installed, and there was a botched attempt to install it yesterday morning.  Long story short, the tech guy ran into some difficulties, although our test run went spectacular.  Soooo, I'll be here for as long as it takes to get this thing installed and up and running for GOOD because I am the IT guru as far as our system is concerned here.  That also means that during this LONG day, there will be no internet to browse.  BOO.  I can't believe how dependent I have become on having the work no less.  Not that I don't get all my work done that I should, but for that 2 minute break away from the madness, I need the internet.  I need 2o2p.  So, while you are getting your Saturday chores and errands done, think of me sitting in my office.. at my desk... with no internet all day.   My boss was kind enough to leave me some files to work on that I can work off of my hard driver- woo hoo!  I figured I'd use my last few minutes of internet to say-- have a great Saturday!!! I'll be drinking hardcore and playing Halo til the wee hours of the morning tonight!! Unless of course I crash from being up early on a Saturday.


naveeda's picture
Submitted by naveeda on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 18:55
Working on Saturdays suck I hope they're paying you overtime.
MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 08:00
You're HOT! :D
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 08:01
I also at work. I work Monday through Saturday. Today i just work until noon. But the good news is that I got a Slingbox so I get cable over the internet.
microscent's picture
Submitted by microscent on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 10:57
That sucks! Hurry home to teh Haloz!! :)
SPARHAWK25's picture
Submitted by SPARHAWK25 on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 10:59
Why are you only going to play Halo until you have to pee? The more you drink, the funnier I am.
Flapjaxx's picture
Submitted by Flapjaxx on Sat, 02/23/2008 - 11:10
Thanks, guys. Our tech guy rerouted my DNS stuff so that I can access the interwebzzz. Sweet! We're still having some major issues with installation. When you get in and the message on the new server is "failure to initiate OS", then you know you're going to have a long day. And no, OS isn't the ovie. lolz.

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