Well it is a new year,& time for a new Blog


Shared on Thu, 01/15/2009 - 20:46

Well it is a new year and with the new year come new resolutions.  I had several resolutions and normally I never make resolutions.  This year mine were to loose weight, I weigh 260 pounds and I am 5ft 10in tall.  So by that math I am a fatass.  Not really but I am getting there quickly.  My wife and I have started weight watchers.  We are now into week 2.  When we started I weight 256 even.  Now on Monday morning I weighed in for the first time and I weigh 249.8, that is a loss of 6.2.  My wife however only lost a little over 3 pounds.  She is very pissed.  She has decided that it is not fair that men loose weight faster than women.  We are using the online subscription with WW.  We keep track of our daily food intake.  It is working very well so far.  By keeping up with what we are eating we are loosing weight.  We unfortunately are not exercising. When summer roles around we are going to start playing golf. So far I alotted 39 points a day plus and extra 35 a week.  I always have at least anywhere from 3 to 14 points.  I dont know anything about my wife points.  I hope next Monday to show another considerable loss.  I have other resolutions but I wont go into them in this blog. 


SPEEDBYRD's picture
Submitted by SPEEDBYRD on Fri, 01/16/2009 - 11:20
I will be right there with ya Billy... my wife and I will be starting next week. Andy and his wife did it and my wifes mom did too. That was a tough Christmas last year... when her mom showed up all skinny and my mrs kept staring at her. Is it a do-able thing with an on the go lifestyle? I hope so, cause we usually go for the easy rather than the best choice.
Flywalker's picture
Submitted by Flywalker on Fri, 01/16/2009 - 17:59
We are going to start exercising soon. We hate the cold so that is why we are not going out right. We are going to golf and walk it. I also work outside all the time so I will lose weight pretty easy once it warms up. She however has an office job so she is sitting all the time. We cancelled our gym membership cause we both hated going. It was always crowded. We ride bicycles and walk the dog together, when it is warm. I will check in every monday on here and let ya'll know how things are going.
Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Thu, 01/15/2009 - 22:14
So the missus is upset she's only lost three pounds in two weeks without exercising? I've got something for you to tell her to put her in her place: "Congratulations" In this time of drugs or operations for anything that ails you it's nice to see a couple doing things the old fashioned way. I myself maxed out ten years ago at 240 pounds @ 5'9", and I was a tub of blubber. One day I just got pissed at myself and started the journey to get in shape. Lost a total of 80 pounds and have more or less kept it off for ten years. During that time were several points where I got stuck for weeks without being able to break through a certain weight. But all it takes is some resolve and patience for your metabolism to reset itself. Pat each other on the backs for your progress thus far, and keep it up. Make it a point to report back here each week and tell everyone how BOTH of you are progressing. If you don't, I'll PM and ask :D

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