Art of War Texas LAN party


Shared on Sun, 12/02/2007 - 17:50
OK, so I don't blog... I don't even have this blog page setup with a background or even a title banner. I suck. but Art of War just had our first local Texas member LAN party and get-together and I was lucky enough to be the host. so I promised all I would post pictures and vids on my up-until-now virgin blog page. maybe now that i broke it in, i'll actually try to blog something else. we'll see.
in the pictures are the following:

AOW YesImaGirl (YIG)
Lucifer's Pearl

and your host, ForensicsPhreak


nae's picture
Submitted by nae on Sun, 12/02/2007 - 17:55
Phreakie I cant see anything!!!!
ForensicsPhreak's picture
Submitted by ForensicsPhreak on Sun, 12/02/2007 - 18:06
yep told ya i dont blog... now they are up there.
Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Sun, 12/02/2007 - 20:32
The Chinese restaurant down the street has the exact same painting as in the last two pics. Did you guys steal it?

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