Shared on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 19:47I am excited. Next weekend is FanExpo in Toronto. Not this!!!
What fun. I love the trip down and taking it in. Love the art and amateur comics. Beautiful stuff. Enjoy the manga, anime, comics, Sci-Fi and Horror, gaming and just all the fun stuff. Even the cos-play is great. Some of those kids put a tremendous amount of care and detail into their costumes. Fabulous job. Seeing some of the various stars in person is....kinda neat. (Got my pic with Leonard Nimoy, tee-hee) It is also pretty trippy to see Darth Vader, Obi Wan and Storm Troopers wandering around.
Last year Dragon Age Origins gave out fabulous blow up swords...mine is still around here....somewhere. (Oh now you know you woulda got one too!)
Last year the line-up was horrible. Past years it was long but progressed fairly quickly. Last year? Nooooo. It was h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e. Hours! Why so? I suspect is it the fault of G4-TV. They have various game review programs, blah, blah, blah and have made appearances with their own booth. But....were pretty much ignored and the booth often had nothing other than their stars standing around so - they have been advertising....what better way to boost your presence then by getting fans of your own out to the show!!! Those (smart) fiends! So every Timmy whines to Mumsy or Dadsy to go and EGAD!!!! They are in the lineup. WTF? They don't belong. They don't. FanExpo is Quirky, weirdo, geeky, nerdy, socially inept and frankly quite strange persons. (Okay - a few are normal). But all of sudden there are kidlets with snowboarding hairstyles, texting madly on their cell phones with attitudes of entitlement while - get this - Mumsy holds their place in line. Hellooo...brat....real fans stand in line!!! Then the kidlets whine about the line-up (why is it so long, this is going to take forever, this is so boring, when is the line going to move, I am tired and I am going to sit over there, can I have some money to get a drink, here hold my stuff...endless whimping) and give my hubby and I weird looks - possibly wondering where Grandma (I think that is how they view me) and Grandpa (I think this how they view the hubby) are keeping the Grandkids they MUST have brought.
Uh, no-no. I may not look it....but I do belong here. Honest.
Hopefully this year will be better. The organizers may anticipate that the line-ups will be LOOOOONNNNGGG and adjust to deal with it quicker and more efficiently than last year. Um...yeah. I am purchasing my tickets in advance online. Sometimes - that helps.
Also....Xbox has been an extremely disappointing presence. I don't know who puts together the display at FanExpo but they really need a marketing rehaul and revamp. C'mon, Xbox is cool but for the past 2 years...*yawn*....they've been drab. Playstation kicks their ass. It is shameful. I could do better...really. Maybe it takes fans to speak to fans.
The other minor annoyance is that kidlets won't surrender the demos They never suspect I am a gamer girl. Little pricks.
Ugh!!! You know what?....I shoulda had a 2old2play T-shirt to proudly wear at FanExpo!!! Doh! Always too late, I come up with these brainers.
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Submitted by LuxDevil67 on Sat, 08/14/2010 - 06:33
Submitted by Bonecollektor on Sun, 08/15/2010 - 08:40
Submitted by Foxytrot on Sun, 08/15/2010 - 10:35