Shared on Mon, 05/17/2010 - 20:40Not much has been happening. Still fiddling around with Need for Speed. Its a lot of mindless fun. I got a milestone to tag 22 cop cars...easy enough...but after I tagged them I tried to evade....evade? No, no. More like looking to hide or dump the cops but....a funny thing happened on my way to fleeing....I went to duck around a truck and misjudged and it slammed me. Then the cops tried to box me, the weird part....there was a gap of what looked to be at least 3 ft...if it were real I mean....between my car and the front end grill of the truck but...I was hung up on it somehow...and was BUSTED!!! Dang!!! See, kids this is the failing of games....they simply can't always get it exact and nicely precise, not yet but its always getting better but because it isn't quite there suffer for it....that and crime doesn't pay... :X
So...that is my gaming experience for now...
We went up to Pentanguishe on Friday night to have a Dock Lunch burger. Yum!!! One of my favourite spots if I get a craving for tasty artery hardening. Anyone ever up that way....check it out. Its right on the dock parking lot. Don't feed the gulls though...they go a bit nuts sqawking and sqabbling and flocking...and get you dirty looks from other customers...uh....not that I have ever done that. *whistles innocently and wanders away slowly*
We're getting set to take off to Algonquin for the long May weekend. We're packing the bikes (not motorbikes, sorry) for the first time camping and looking forward to doing the old rail bike trail at Lake of Two Rivers.
I love camping. We have a tent trailer cause I can't handle the ground don't WANT to handle laying on the ground anymore. Ahem...yeah...anyways the radio morning chatty crew this morning - dork 1 said "This week is going to be great. Hot and humid" and dork 2 says "Yeah and its shaping up into a glorious sunny long weekend" YAY!!! Hot sunny weather fries little blackflies.
So how come 45 minutes later at my desk at work one of my co-workers says "Looks like another rainy weekend" and I protest "No. Its suppose to be sunny" and she says "Rain now" and my inner voice says "Hell no!!!" but one google and....apparently it is going to by rainy. Grr.
Blackflies like a little bit of damp and no sun, it immensely improves their appetites. I hates blackfly. Hates them. And if it isn't blackfly, then it will be mosquitoes. That is the way it goes. I am going camping anyway...I will smell like Muskol, soot from the campfire, perhaps pine pitch depending on the camp site and I might even be a bit dampish but....I don't give a crap....I am still going. There are only so many long weekends in a summer and only so many opportunities to camp, time is not on my side as it seems to rush past when I am not looking so...damn right I am going.
One day I need to run away to the coast where they don't have these maneater bugs...sand fleas maybe...but no blackfly or mosquitoes...
I have been watching The Pacific on HBO. Absolutely amazing series.
Last week I got a couple of cans of tuna and this week I bought some Kool Aid singles for the Troops collection box at work. (2 for $5 is okay) I am still the only one contributing to it. Its a bit disappointing as some of the people there get good pay cheques, it wouldn't take much if we all contributed to fill it up. I filled it once before Christmas but...I have a long way to go to fill another. With the hubby outta work it will take a bit longer but I'm gonna do it.
- Foxytrot's blog
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Submitted by BasBleu on Tue, 05/18/2010 - 06:51
Submitted by Claude505 on Tue, 05/18/2010 - 07:46
Submitted by Foxytrot on Tue, 05/18/2010 - 21:30