Shared on Tue, 08/31/2010 - 18:38WTF...?
I am not sure what it is....I am not sure how I feel about it....I am not sure why it is....I am just....WTF?
So....guys....tell me your take
So....gals....tell me your take
Are wives afraid that this is what us gals show up at the LAN like?
Is this what guys would like us to show up at LAN like?
OH! Update: My helix ear piercing turned all red at work yesterday and ballooned up. I was nervous and it was throbbing and stinging and that made me more nervous but I couldn't see any sign of pus so my gf at work said she'd used Spectro Jel on her nipple piercings and I promptly got a bottle of it. Anything good for nipples has GOT to be good for ears, don't ask me how or why I arrived at the determination but I did. I washed the ear up real good (but gentle) last night with the Spectro Jel, took regular aspirins to settle the inflammation and prayed to Jesus to touch and heal my ear while I slept so I wouldn't have to get antibiotics or...cut off the ear (the wounded mind always thinks worst case scenario) annnnnd........all is good. Jesus answers prayer, children. This morning ear and piercing are beautiful. NICE! At lunch however I found myself glancing at my gf to try and determine if I could tell if she had nipple piercings "in" or "out". I learned nothing and figured I was being creepy...so before she noticed and stomped on my face for it...I quit doing it. So...Spectro Jel....it rules....I done told you it so you remember it when you next get pierced.
- Foxytrot's blog
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