Trouble Sleeping???


Shared on Tue, 09/05/2006 - 16:27

So last night, I tried something new when it came to sleep. I bought some of those nose strips that you see athletes wear to help them breath. Let me tell you, they FRICKIN' WORK!!! I was actually able to sleep and breath through my nose (instead of through my mouth - which is a sign that not enough air is getting into your lungs).

About 3 months ago, I told my doctor that I was always tired during the day. that I would doze off while driving, stuff like that. She guessed that I might have sleep apnea. For those that don't know, sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder where there's not enough oxygen getting into your blood. After going through some sleeping tests and confirming that fact, they suggested that I use a CPAP (constant positive air pressure) machine. So I went and got one and tried it out for a couple of nights. IT SUCKED!!! I'm not a light sleeper but rather more of a conscious sleeper. Meaning, if I have something on my face, I'm aware of it. :D

The way the CPAP machine works is you wear a mask with this huge, elephant trunk-type hose running to a "generator". As you're wearing it, it pushes air through your nose and into your lungs. It's not a forceful push but enough to open your nasal passages and throat. The hoped-for end result is that you get more air, which will circulate your blood better. Thereby, causing you to get more "restful sleep" eliminating the feeling of being tired.

But there were some down sides to that machine. For one, the generator is not completely silent and can make a mild "whining noise" (or at least, the one I got sounded like that). Secondly, I like to sleep on my side and the mask (with the weight of the "trunk") would pull my nose to one side. So needless to say, I slept horribly while wearing it.

Back to the point, I had heard that people use those nose strips to help with snoring. So I thought if it helps you breath better, why not give it a try. Well, like I said, last night was my first time using it and I feel a lot better today than I have in a while. :D I'll post up another blog with some more results in a couple of weeks. Hopefully, it will help to relieve me of feeling tired all day. *crosses fingers*


BATMANKM's picture
Submitted by BATMANKM on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 11:53
Hey Freak this is really cool. I have a deviated septum and snore allot and often have problems breathing while sleeping. Im going to give this solution a try !! Thanks. - BAT
wareaglebeene1's picture
Submitted by wareaglebeene1 on Tue, 09/05/2006 - 16:36
Great! Now I have to run out and by some. Who could help themselves after such a ringing endorsement.
DanLeCrinque's picture
Submitted by DanLeCrinque on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 08:17
You know what helps with sleeping ? Lot's of sex... with women...

Carpe Diem

CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Wed, 09/06/2006 - 09:29
Good tip Freak, we will give that a shot,teddybear has had the same problem. He went through the tests, bought the friggen machine (which our insurance paid for mostly)and couldn't sleep with it. Thousands and thousands of dollars for a solution that doesn't really work and people wonder why our insurance rates are going up. If the breath rite strips work, perhaps I will send a little note to the insuance company. It was a lot worse when he worked third shift because getting any sleep was a real trial. Its also a lot worse when his sleeping patterns are interupted by too many hours on the video games. ;)

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