I love grass, not weed, but good old Kentucky Blue.


Shared on Mon, 03/26/2012 - 16:26
I was jumping for joy the other day when a large wood chuck came over and nibbled on me footsies.  It’s like the creative mind needs practice, it’s a warm up sentence.  You don’t talk to people right away in the morning because you might end up threatening someone with a leaf blower or attacking a lady with Velcro or maybe a frozen dead possum.  If I could love someone other than my wife it would be a male dead possum.  I’m no necrophile I just love a good cold dead naked possum paw.  Sure you could pickle ‘em but it just isn’t the same as some water logged corpse of a marsupial.
Maybe I’m a marsupial-phile, who doesn’t want to ride in the skin sack of a kanga.  I wonder what it’s like, probably warm, furry and stinky just like eating syrup drenched waffles in a pile of wigs.  You think there’s a substitute for a pile of wigs, no there ain’t.  Pigs, wigs and waffles, its nature’s candy.  I suppose on some dark sensual level it betrays some moray but I feel like we need to explore the dark peanutty recesses of our choco skull filled meat sack we call our brains.
Goat brains, like it’s an action…
I often feel an out pouring of affection from cows, I can see it in their big eyes.
Fish love me too. Koi, I care for Koi.  I really got nothing today.  That’d be my ad: Got Nothing? Well don’t you suck.  It’s both mean and funny at the same time, it will be the dark horse of the Milk ads, but actually promote the physics of the universe and how pointless a jawbreaker the size of your fist is.  I mean according to physics there are an infinite number of jawbreakers.
Lets make up phrases:
Toe licking good. Finger numbing. Break Pad Cardofulgoo. One Giant Alien Maw on my leg is worth two brain eating slugs in your brain…hmmmm


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