You know its been a long week when you realize your underwear is on inside out


Shared on Fri, 05/18/2012 - 11:22
Oatmeal in my pants...Oatmeal in my Pants...OATMEAL IN MY PANTS!!!!

Do you feel guilty about rating a movie 2 stars in Netflix? I don't really want to hurt anyone's feelings. Facebook TMI...I can't handle it too much to sift through it's like trying to drink from the firehose.

It's a short post because I am busy, like a little bumble bee or a wasp stinging my way to statisfact on the arms of conservative republicans. Damn you all and your lies, I got your letter and you lie lie lie...and by you I mean nuns, cute mice and girl scouts.

I want to eat a large blue sand hour glass but I am not sure I want to deal with the aftermath. I often think about a story I read where everything a guy bit into turned to chocolate, pretty vicious right. Not for the guy, but for anyone who got bit. I'm gonna turn your face into to chocolate!

Okay, it is Friday...I mean tis always Friday some where right? So get crazy and summersault your way into the weekend by diving head first into a giant vat of fun. Dance with it, play with it, rub it and make it happy, I'm talking about your weekend. Take it out back and kill this weekend like it needed to be killed like two weekends ago and you totally wussed out. Don't be a pussy, kick it in the knee caps, bring this weekend to its knees and blow its brains out with both barrels of 12 gauge shot gun of fun.

Boo yah!


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