Following SoupNazzi - Deluxe-Card can go Fuck themselves...


Shared on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 09:16
So. I get a $100.00 Visa Gift card from my uncle for x-mas right. I try to use it once. No dice. Call...get it straightened out. Use it again yesterday to get gas. Payed $26.93 for gas. I go online today to check my transactions.....I have $49.00 left on the card. WTF??  $26 from $100 is not $49.

They fucking charged me $51.00 for the gas transaction. An additional $24.07 tacked onto the original gas purchase.

What the fuck. Good thing I keep my receipts.

I'm about to make someones day very unpleasant. You don't fuck with my money.

- Gatsu


Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 16:22
I havent been reimbursed yet. Haven't been able to get anyone on the phone yet either... overloaded with calls apparantly.
LuxDraconis's picture
Submitted by LuxDraconis on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 09:41
Don't tell me this shit! I have two of them, my twins both have one, 3 times the headache..... I can feel the viens in my neck popping already.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 09:42
see thats the funny thing....out of everyone in the family that got the SAME cards....I'm the only one thats having issues with it. Probably someone putting voodoo hexes on me or something.
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 11:35
Whenever I get one of those, I immediately go to the bank its from and cash it out...
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 12:01
I didn't think the banks would cash it out.... in this case though sadly the bank its from is in the northern U.S. only....and I'm in the South East..... so I'm SOL unless they decide to play nice and give me my money back.
LuxDraconis's picture
Submitted by LuxDraconis on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 12:23
I gotta check and see what bank its from. Thats a good idea, one card would be bad , but, to have it happen to all three?..... I would have to pop ear drums with customer service.
selden007's picture
Submitted by selden007 on Mon, 12/31/2007 - 15:11
Don't gas stations usually put a high number in before you pump gas to make sure that they can charge you for all the gas you take? It should have been refunded in a dayy or two. But I wouldn't use a gift card for gas, unless you swipe it afterward due to this. I am glad they reimbursed you though.

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