The Halo 3 beta:


Shared on Sun, 05/20/2007 - 13:49
Drost I know already wrote up his own opinions on it...we've all read others opinions in the forums and whatnot. I've even shared mine with a few.

So now I will share my views in hard text with those that read my blog.

My take on Halo 3 beta is this...and this simply. Its Halo 2 with some new polish and features. Its next years model. Basically the same style..just updated a little, with a new airbag and 2 extra cup holders.

Now that I've pissed off 95% of the site...let me say this. I know its an unfinished beta. So don't bother saying that. I know what Beta means when it involves video games. I'm not just cracking on the graphics.

Although it is a good game...if you've played Halo 2 and have gotten bored with it like I did a few months ago....then the multiplayer in Halo 3 will do nothing more than hold your interest for a couple of weeks.

I've played it a bit and I'm already kinda bored with it.

There are some great additions to the game. The new equipment types, weapons and vehicles they show in the beta are awesome and fun to use. But overall once you've used them in a few creative ways then you've used them...and thats all its gonna be.

It adds an interesting element to the game. But if you've played CTF in Halo 2...thats almost exactly how it is in Halo 3. Except for the new additions of course.

Graphically the game does look damn good. Its not overall that it catches your eye...its in all the little details that you see in the maps. Grass swaying, the water moving...the particle effects...etc...

The new gametype VIP that I played was pretty fun and Im sure when the game drops I'll be playing alot of variations of that. But the campaign is probably whats gonna hold my interest longest...because no one knows anything about it.

I also have to say that the new control adjustments take a little getting used to...but once you do, they are pretty sweet.

I will be picking up Halo 3 along with eveyone else on the site who is. But Halo 3 will not be the game that holds my interest like Halo 2 did.

Thats my opinion and Im sticking with it.

Gatsu OUT!


darththorn's picture
Submitted by darththorn on Sun, 05/20/2007 - 15:31
I will probably get the game just to see how the story ends, as far as multiplayer goes, I'm not all that interested. Someone who is in the beta told me that it's exactly like multiplayer in Halo 2, the folks who were good in it are also good in Halo 3, so that right there pretty much killed my interest in Halo 3. Spawn, die, repeat, just isn't much fun to me, unless there has been a 3rd person perspective added to the game.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/23/2007 - 09:38
Hey Gatsu, I must be in the 5% because you didn't piss me off and I don't know whay your opinions would piss off 95%. They are honest and your opinions. I love halo and can probably be considered a fanboy but there are things in H3 that I don't like. I feel like the Chief runs slower than shit and I don't like how much they butchered the BR, I don't even use it now and I love it in H2. I also do not like the communication, MAKE IT HANDS FREE BUNGIE! I'll keep it short and sweet for now, they better change a few things and put up some invisible walls for those assholes getting out of the map already or i'm gonna be pissed off lol.

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