Hump Day!


Shared on Wed, 04/18/2007 - 09:59

Now on a more serious note:

It was a tragedy what happened at Virginia Tech...theres no doubt about that. But people ask why? Why would a man do this? Its not video games. So get that idea out of your head. Was it racial? No. He killed indiscriminantly. It was his hatred. His hatred for the people around him.

After reading the information on the young man who committed these murders, I found alot of similarities between our personalities. I'm usually quiet and keep to myself when Im in public. I like the dark and macabre. And I hold a hatred for the human race as a whole. So I have an odd understaning of his views and why he snapped.

According to his final note that was translated, the young man claimed to be tired of the rich kids always getting what they want and pushing to the front of the line in life. Tired of all of the mindless debauchery and stupidity he saw around him. The people that didn't deserve an easy break always reaping the rewards for anothers hard work.

And so he took matters into his own hands and felt he needed to put a stop to it. He wanted to send a message.

Do I think it was good what he did? No. I don't condone the slaughter he committed. Not at all.
Do I agree with some of his views of the world? More than I'd like to admit.
Do I understand why he did what he did? Yes. At least from what the news has allowed everyone to know.

He and I shared alot of the same views of the world. It was just a shame he didn't understand those views better and take control of his emotions.

People will say forever that he was evil and that he always was. Not true. Alot of you on the site who talk to me on a regular basis or game with me know, Im a nice guy. But I, like everyone else, have a line. If we cross that line, we go to a dark place in ourselves...and we can do things that no one else would ever think we were capable of. What pushes us over that line is different for everyone.

His hatred is what pushed him over his line...because he had no control over it. He let it consume him. And it cost 33 lives.

Ok enough of the serious shit.

How about those Halo 2 maps huh? yeah I know I know. "hey gatsu...thought you said you'd never play halo again! huh? huh?"
Ok first off....SUCK IT.

I know what I said. And my mood changes often. Somedays, a throwdown in halo doesnt sound so bad. Other days its like asking me to masturbate with sandpaper.

But yes. I bought the maps.

My thoughts on the maps:
Meh...they are ok. Worth the $4.00 at least. I think even though they are remakes of classic Halo maps, I would have preferred to see 2 new and completely original maps. Or maybe a new gametype or weapon. That would have been a little better IMO. But thats ok. They aren't bad maps really. Will just take some time for them to grow on me.

Wow...did that patch fuck up the roadie run or what? Now Im jumping into cover about 35% more by accident than when I did before the patch. Apparantly the roadie run was a huge complaint from people in the Epic forums...So Epic, being the community oriented company they are, decided to fix it. wasn't quite what we were all hoping for.

The new gametype Annex is kinda cool as well. I like the King of the Hill feel to it. But its HORRIBLY unbalanced. Theres some stuff that can be done to make it more balanced. But overall theres alot more that could have been done to make it better and more enjoyable for everyone.
I'll be more happy when the new maps drop...even though Microsuck is fisting Epic into making them charge for the maps now.

Don't own it...don't plan on it. WHY? do you ask? Why do you deny yourself GHII goodness?
Because I don't like 95% of the songs on the damn game. Didnt like most of the music on the first game either.
So I made a list.  A "dreamlist" if you will of songs that I would want to see in Guitar Hero II.

Amon Amarth - Runes To My Memory
Children of Bodom - Living Dead Beat
Dragonforce - Through the Fire and Flames
Killswitch Engage - When Darkness Falls
Dio - Holy Diver
In Flames - Reroute to Remain
Pantera - Walk
KMFDM - Ultra
Powerman 5000 - Drop the Bombshell
Mastadon - Blood & Fire
Amon Amarth - Predictions of Warfare
Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache
Sevendust - Enemy
Static X - Push It
Slayer - any and all hehehehe.
Rammstein - Mein Teil

Theres alot more. but I dont have my cd collection next to me so I cant remember them all. But if these songs were EVER put into Guitar Hero II, I would buy it and play it. But not until then.

Well thats about it for this entry.

Gatsu OUT!


YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Wed, 09/12/2007 - 18:36
normally i would tell you not to bother with preorder.... but for Halo 3 i wouldnt take the chance
NotStyro's picture
Submitted by NotStyro on Wed, 04/18/2007 - 10:16
Great post, both sections. Maybe with time the corporate media outlets will relase more info/possibilities on what set-off Cho. In the meantime Colleges & Universities are now looking to upgrade alarm systems and monitor the creative loner types (guess no 'welcome mat' for me anymore). Regarding GH2. The lack of good songs titles for this game are what is keeping me from the buy. If they included downloadable packs of Classic Rock, Blues Rock and/or 80s-90s Rock I might reconsider. I want music I know and would listen to regularly.
LtBlarg's picture
Submitted by LtBlarg on Wed, 04/18/2007 - 10:53
"masturbate with sandpaper". OUCH !!!
jasontroyhimself's picture
Submitted by jasontroyhimself on Wed, 04/18/2007 - 10:53
Opinions are what they are & we're all entitled to our own but I hope you're dead wrong about that kid.. Having slanted views of the world is one thing. Taking the innocent lives of others is an entirely different animal. Who DOES like to see the rich & lazy prosper? Not I. Not most. But that doesn't mean I'd ever consider putting 32 of those fucks six feet underground. I hear ya Gat. Loud & clear. But I'm hoping you & him are in turn NOTHING alike in that aspect. -jas
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 04/18/2007 - 11:08
No. thats the big difference. I have control of myself. And as I am now I would not nor do I condone the acts that he committed. But anyone is capable of anything if put in the wrong situation. If someone pushed you the right way, you would commit acts you never thought possible. That is humanity.
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Wed, 04/18/2007 - 13:39
gatsu, I always enjoy your blog have good insights and don't apologize for you thoughts or feelings. :) It's refreshing. :)
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 04/18/2007 - 14:03
thanks hilskie. it is appreciated.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 07:15
that or COD 4

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