I have returned.


Shared on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 09:05
Back from a week of fun in the sun at Edisto Beach.

Best vacation EVAR!  Much needed rest and relaxation was had. The only downside was that Jules couldn't come because she got sick the day before we left.....
But otherwise the week was great and I really didnt wanna come back.

Now...onto the GAMING STUFF...

Assassin's Creed - Its all I hoped for with a few neato surprises. Haven't beaten it yet. But I'm really loving it.

Mass Effect - My boy parts tingle at the thought of this game. I've got my copy reserved at EB and will be going in Tuesday after work to collect my precious!

COD4 - not gonna touch this one. I know I know.....alot of people are digging this game. Including about 90% of my clan. But I can't bring myself to drop $60 on this game. To me its not worth the money....for 1 reason and 1 reason only. The multiplayer is not a level playing field. That whole having to play ranked matches in order to unlock perks and weapons is a HUGE deal killer for me.

I despise ranked matches on Xbox Live. And I strongly dissapprove of forcing someone to partake in online ranked matches in order to "unlock" the full multiplayer experience. Its a $60.00 game....I shouldn't need Live in order to enjoy the game completely. Too many games are too dependant on Xbox Live features....sure they are great to have. But not everyone has broadband internet or Xbox Live. Before I got Xbox Live I did nothing but campaign and the occasional lan party...and it didn't bother me at all. Because I knew my games didn't depend on Xbox Live totally.

As much as I love Live....In my opinion ranked play shouldn't be tied to unlocking multiplayer elements or achievements. I'm sure people disagree...and thats fine. But IMO its too much tied to Live.

Thats my $1.50 about it..

- Gatsu OUT!


dos's picture
Submitted by dos on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 09:16
CD4 is worth the coin. The ranked matches aren't an issue since your teammates are people in your clan or from your friend's list...at least 98% of the time.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 09:19
yeah but I don't even really like playing against other people who aren't on my FL. Im the kind of guy that prefers clan and 2old2play people exclusively.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 09:19
Well Gat have fun with AC and since I dropped my coin all ready looks like I have to be one of the suckers. P.S. - It is easy to rank up and get all the damn perks.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 09:21
Amen to the ranked play comments. I can't bring myself to even fire up COD4 multi unless I'm completely hammered--and then I'm not much use to anyone.
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 09:30
Dude trust me the Perks don't make a difference. You unlock the most valuable perks within minutes of playtime. Also ranked matches don't mean a thing, it's just for when you have no one to play with. But most of the time at night everyone from 2o2p and their mommas are on CoD4 so I always get into private matches.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 11/19/2007 - 09:33
I agree with comments about live. I pay so much for the games and for the system, I feel ripped off when I need to go on Live to get the fllexperience. It seems shady to me
jasontroyhimself's picture
Submitted by jasontroyhimself on Wed, 11/21/2007 - 01:08
Glad to have ya back online Gats.. Hope the vacation went well & have a happy turkeyday. -jay
chedda_todd's picture
Submitted by chedda_todd on Fri, 11/23/2007 - 17:20
COD4 has a social setting similar to H3. You can get experience for the unlockables, but don't have to deal with the "optimatch" crap. It's worth breaking the seal and going for it!
codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Thu, 08/03/2006 - 13:27
"and the elderly that didn't make it to Florida to die" LOL - never thought of it that way. By the way, its OUR elderly (up here in NH and Mass) that move to the hotter weather. They get grumpy a little more each year when the flakes start falling. So, you can have 'em! :) CodeMonkey
Dawnfades's picture
Submitted by Dawnfades on Thu, 08/03/2006 - 13:33
Gatsu, Hope everything works out for you. I can see wanting to get out of Aiken. Like you said if you're not a horse or Golfer the place doesn't have much to offer. One of the worst days of my life was wasted on a horse and buggy ride in Aiken. No wonder Sherman burned it to the ground. D,
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Thu, 08/03/2006 - 14:43
So, you can have 'em! -CodeMonkey Thanks man. More undead to shoot at once the zombie apocalypse begins.

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