Never playing Halo 2 again....EVER!


Shared on Sat, 02/17/2007 - 11:46
Ok....a buddy of mine invited me to a LAN party last night. Since Julia was feeling sick as usual I decided to go despite it being a Halo LAN.

I figured...well from the stories I've heard it should be a good time and at least 10 people should be there. Well guess what.....4 people total...thats INCLUDING the host and the hosts brother. So my buddy and I were the only 2 people who actually drove to show up.

So 4 person halo 2 was just stellar...featuring my favorite gametype for the whole fuckin night.....SWAT. All the host did was swap out weapons but left all the rules for SWAT....

And to make it even was drunk off his ass. So his skills went from Suck to Jesus in about 30 seconds or less. Getting yer ass handed to you by a drunk guy whose giggling, falling all over the place and leaving the room to throw up is not my idea of a good time.

I coulda stayed home and played Gears with the clan...which is what I am doing tonight if it kills me. So today I'll be recovering from the suckfest and making some sigs for my fellow clan mates.

Heres a couple I've done so far:

If you're interested in getting a custom sig made...shoot me a PM with a description of what you want on it and I'll try to get it back to you as soon as I can.
The time it takes will be determined by how busy I get. But if its gonna take a long time I'll let you know.

And on final thought....

Fuck Halo LAN parties....fuck them.

Gatsu OUT!


Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Mon, 02/19/2007 - 10:02
Wished I could have been there Em....perhaps next year. Just couldn't afford it and it was a long ass drive for a 3 day stay.
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Sat, 02/17/2007 - 11:59
Dig the Ash sigs. That's probably one of my favorite movies, top three for sure. Oh, and nice work on the sigs. I wish I were closer so I could bug you about some of the PS issues I'm having. Maybe you could look into hosting some design clinics- PS for Homebodies, Intarweb for Housewives, etc. Throw an advert in the paper and see if you get any bites on individual lessons, yaddayadda. Just kicking around the old idea ball. I'd pay for a bit of clinic, versus a serious college course. Or sell crack. I made some good cash quick. :) Good luck!
Drost's picture
Submitted by Drost on Sat, 02/17/2007 - 12:16
you big baby. come out to oklahoma or Texas. we'll show you a real halo 2 lan party. nice sigs. I'll have to talk photochop with you at some point.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Sat, 02/17/2007 - 12:16
hehe. sellin crack is always an easy alternative. I actually did setup software training with Photoshop and a few other programs but never got any bites from my local area. Apparantly all the people who used Photoshop around here thought they knew everything allready. lol. But an actual design and layout class would be a cool idea. Once people know how to use the program, show them design concepts...what are the do's and Don'ts of design...stuff like that.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Sat, 02/17/2007 - 12:18
Drost - baby? Bah! I had already retired my Halo 2 disc once because I just didn't wanna play it anymore. It was just a stronger implication that I needed to leave it retired.
Rhysode's picture
Submitted by Rhysode on Sat, 02/17/2007 - 12:33
Halo 2 is washed up. Masterful work on the sigs.
TheCrazyPerson's picture
Submitted by TheCrazyPerson on Sat, 02/17/2007 - 13:10
LAN doesn't have to be just halo 2, go to Chicago I'm sure they will have Gears and WoW and other stuff! Last year they Halo 2, WoW, GRAW and some other games too! :)
jasontroyhimself's picture
Submitted by jasontroyhimself on Sat, 02/17/2007 - 13:17
Halo 2 bites the ass. I committed myself to ending that era about 6 months ago & haven't looked back. good on ya Gat. nice sigs.
Em's picture
Submitted by Em on Sun, 02/18/2007 - 19:54
East Coast LAN had h1, h2, gow going:)

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