Shared on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 11:50Well. I'm finally feeling better...after almost a full week. I get sick about the same time every year. And its usually the same thing. Chest congestion, cough, weakness, headaches....etc.
Im just glad to be feeling better again.
On that note, I've decided to start taking joystick orders again. Though I'm only gonna have 6 spots per month. And it will take about a full month to fill an order. So working on six won't be too bad. I'm just gonna stick to working on them on the weekends, stay at home during the week. The reason for this is the frequent trips back and forth to and from my parents house causes more strain on my car, more gas per week.
Basically the process will go like this. Spend a saturday & sunday to build whatever orders I have at the time, get them prepped to paint. Take them home, paint them, let them sit for the 15+ days it takes for the paint & clear coat to set. Then hand it off to my buddy chainer to wire. Test it, and the ship it off. It means a busier weekend. But thats ok. As long as I have the nights free to game and hang out with Julia.
If you're interested in getting a joystick, check out my website: http://godhandcustoms.wordpress.com
All the details are under the Custom Order link.
In other crap:
I usually keep to myself about what I believe, religiously, politically or whatever. I just would rather keep those things to myself. But I will say this. I don't judge people based on their religious beliefs or political views. Its just how I believe.
I'm a republican, non-denominational christian. And from what I've read in some other blogs...that means apparently that I'm a crazy. I can say that I'm crazy for alot of other reasons than those. Yes I believe in demons and demon-possession. I have witnessed these things happen with very close personal friends. And I have seen alot of unexplained things. Without the influences of drugs or alcohol.
But I believe these things. I've chosen to believe them. And I don't like being judged for it. No one is my judge but God. I don't judge others, or ridicule them for their beliefs. I'd like the same courtesy. I don't force my "Jesus-lovin" ways on anyone. And I don't want others views shoved down my throat.
And just because I believe these things, don't lump me in with the extremists of my religion. Yeah there are definitely some beyond-fucked up christian people that make the good ones look bad.
I just felt like I needed to rant because I'm tired of not sharing my views while others shout negative things about my beliefs and views.
Leave me to mine...and I'll leave you to yours.
We may not agree....but a mutual respect for each others views is not a bad thing.
- Gat
- Gatsu's blog
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Submitted by H2Daddy on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 12:16
Submitted by J-Cat on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 12:28
Submitted by Gatsu on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 12:32
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 13:30
Submitted by wilderz on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 13:43
Submitted by Gatsu on Thu, 02/26/2009 - 15:52