Too much going on. lol.


Shared on Wed, 04/02/2008 - 22:35
Its been a busy few weeks for me. Usually is this time of year...because the city I live in hosts about 10 or 15 different horse-based events. Triple name it. If it involves a horse...there's probably a show for it.

And a show or race means a program.....which means printing. Which means my shop probably does it.

So for 5 weeks straight....middle of March to middle of April....Howell Printing turns into Hell's Kitchen. Cept the owner doesn't have a cool British accent and a cheery disposition.

Anyway. I've probably worked 16+ hour days about 3 or 4 days in a row per week. Go home....sleep for a few hours...wake up....back to work.

Its not bothering me as much now because I have no 360 to come home to right now. It RROD'ed on me last Monday night during some Halo 3 matches. Since then, coffin has come in and it's been shipped.

I planned on getting an elite this week and keeping the refurb as a backup....but since hearing from a friend about his Elite RROD'ing on him......I don't see the point of spending the money if that is gonna just crap out eventually too.

So I'm just gonna sit and wait till the refurb comes back. And if the refurb doesn't work, I'll go buy a new one and get an extended warranty on it. And keep fighting to get my original refurb working.

Anyway....thats been about it.

Work literally all the damn time now. lol.

At least its only in March and'll be over soon.

- Gatsu OUT!


NoGame22's picture
Submitted by NoGame22 on Wed, 04/02/2008 - 23:00
buy an arcade version that's what I did. I don't necessarily need the extra hard drive and the arcade version has everything except that, that the elite has so......that's how I made my decision. Spend a 399 or 249 or whatever it is now.
YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 07:26
The Elite comes with more capabilities than the arcade version...... Just picked up an elite yesterday. If its born after july 07 it has the new chip in it. It is waaaaaaaay quieter and doesnt put off as much heat than my old 360
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 07:34
They all crap out Gatsu. The best solution is getting a PS3. Not only are you investing on a new gaming system but on a Blu-ray player as well.
dkhodz's picture
Submitted by dkhodz on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 08:38
There were no Elites available when my 360 crapped out on me... so i bought an arcade as my primary and use my old box as a backup now.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Thu, 04/03/2008 - 09:15
ekattan - name 5 exclusive games that received an 8.5 or higher on the PS3? There's maybe 1. To me thats not enough to warrant a purchase right now. I'll get a PS3 eventually. But I have no plans on moving to Bluray movies right now since they are all $24+ a pop. I need at least 5 great exclusive titles on a console before I consider it worthy of purchasing. And the PS3 does not offer the same online capabilities that Xbox Live has. Even though its free for the PS3...I believe that you get what you pay for. Free doesn't always = good. Not saying the PS3 won't be great later on. Im sure it will once they get the ball rolling on some killer exclusive apps. But for right now the PS3 doesn't have an interesting software library to me.

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