Update on my tax situation...


Shared on Mon, 02/26/2007 - 08:56
Fucked up is an elegant way of putting it at the moment.

My employer neglected to put my State Income Tax amounts on my W2...so it looks like no taxes were paid to state...which I know is bull because my miniscule paystub every week says otherwise.

So not only do I need them to fix it...I'm going to have to amend my tax filing... which means I might have to wait until I get my federal check in, send it back with the ammendment, and then hopefully 6 months or so from now (whenever big brother gets off its ass)...I might see some of my return.

Damn do I hate people...its a good thing I don't consider alot of you guys and gals on this site people.

We are gamers...we are a class higher than the mindless masses that fill this dirtball!

and now for something completely different.....a man....with 3 noses.

On another note...I feel like such a consumer whore...picked up a game I said I wasn't gonna get.....

Crackdown....dunno why....its still in the damn wrapper. Also picked up Enchanted Arms....I guess to ease the fiery blow that I know I probably will receive from all those who said "awww why arent you getting Crackdown?"

I know what I said weeks ago "never gonna touch it....its just a $59.99 H3 beta..." and to be honest I still dont know why I bought it. It wasn't for the demo. I guess seeing all those "so and so playing Crackdown" on my Friends List finally got to me....


Good thing Enchanted Arms and Gears of War are currently holding my attention.

Gatsu OUT!


LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Wed, 02/28/2007 - 00:46
woohoo! I'm not people! (ok, I will just pretend that I was included in that lol) sorry to hear about the taxes. Sounds like a total PIA. One of those mental "Boom! headshot" every time you think about how somebodies mistake from probable laziness causes such a ripple in our own lives. Good luck getting it straightened out.

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