Dead Rising....What the fuck were they thinking?


Shared on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 13:30

I rented "Dead Rising" on Gamefly and received it yesterday...

I thought to myself, "Now here's a game with great potential! It's got everything to please: Hordes of zombies in a mall, whacky weapons and a fun story line. Sign me up!"

All was good...until I discovered that it's not possible to save the game whenever I please and a control scheme designed for mutants! I could have forgiven the retarded control scheme but the way the game saves is the real deal breaker.

Needless to say that "Dead Rising" was a HUGE disappointment for me and is going back to GameFly today :(

Cover Art



Aonon's picture
Submitted by Aonon on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 13:33
The saving issue bugged a lot of poeple. But I am a masochist and enjoyed the challange.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 13:59
The game is hard as hell your first play through. just get to the end and concentrate on doing stuff to amp your guy up with health and inventory slots. Then in the Overtime mode, just spend time kicking the crap out of the special forces dudes and you'll amp up your XP a lot. Once you do that, replay the story mode and this time concnetrate on the missions and bosses and it'll be WAY easier. Look up on how to unlock the Megaman Gun too, that thing kicks major ass. That and the mini-chainsaws. ALso don't forget to get books to help compliment how you play like books will extend the life of your weapons. Anyway it's really a great game but it seriously is hard as hell when you start out.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Tue, 09/18/2007 - 16:49
Yeah, you get used to the saving thing. I was really ticked off at first with it too.

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