Christmas Gift - The HeadBlade Sport


Shared on Thu, 12/28/2006 - 11:06
One of the numerous gifts Cutie gave me this year was the new razor from the people over at HeadBlade.  I posted about my first HeadBlade razor a few weeks back and I have used it since then and I love it and recommend it to anyone who shave their head.

Well, the new razor from HeadBlade is the Sport Model.  The razor uses the same unique configuration as the original model but is a bit longer and has actual wheels on the back end instead of a pad that slides over your head.  The difference is quite noticeable! If you are currently shaving your head or you are considering it, I recommend that you pick one up.


GIJoeBob's picture
Submitted by GIJoeBob on Thu, 12/28/2006 - 15:56
I did get a nick every now and then, but not as much as you would think. Just take things slow starting out. The HeadBlade does make it a lot easier because you apply no pressure when shaving, you only press on the back of the razor. They make a lot of different aftershave type products for your scalp as well but I just use the same aftershave I use on my face (Skin Bracer).
Twisted's picture
Submitted by Twisted on Sat, 01/06/2007 - 22:31
I might give those a try. Been shaving my head for years now, tried MANY different razors, but nothings beat those Shick disposable jobbies. They hug the curves and Ive nicked myself once MAYBE twice. I just shave in the shower after Im done all me bits n pieces.
selden007's picture
Submitted by selden007 on Thu, 12/28/2006 - 12:20
When you started shaving you head, did you nick the s out of yourself? I have been buzzing my own hair for years, and may condsider doing the bald thing in the future, I am just scared I will slice and dice my head bad.

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