Entering a New Era


Shared on Tue, 05/29/2007 - 21:28
Cutie and I recently had our fourth child and decided that we were done with the crap shoot that is traditional birth control methods. Three of our children were Pill babies and the last was a condom baby. Go figure. I think the entire birth control industry is a scam myself.

So, a little over a week ago I went in to see my doctor for a procedure -  THE PROCEDURE if you know what I mean - and if you are a guy you know what I mean.

Yep, while my boys can still swim, from now on they will be swimming in circles.

The doctor had given me a prescription for 2 30mg capsules of temazepam which I was to take at 6:30am and 7:30am before the procedure at 8:00 that morning. Temazempam is a fairly potent sleeping pill and the doctor wanted me good and relaxed as stress can cause the "skin" to contract and be hard to cut through.  Yeah, I wasn't really thrilled with that mental picture either.

Needless to say, when I arrived at the doctors office I was feeling pretty loose.  I was kinda hoping there would be throngs of women there to protest the procedure, hoping to get one last chance of having a baby sired by JoeBob, but that was not the case.

The doctor gave me a local and went to work. Due to the medication I really don't remember much of anything.  After the procedure (which lasted about 15 minutes) I went to the waiting room to wait for Cutie to come pick me up. She woke me up, drove me home and I crashed.  I woke up with a pretty good headache which I attribute to not having eaten breakfast or, more importantly, not having had my morning mug of coffee.

The recovery since that time has been fairly easy.  Occasional ice packs, and expected care of the small wound. I would say that the wound has been the biggest hassle but it hasn't been that big of a deal.  After I recover the doctor wants me to stay "busy"  and take him a "sample" in a couple months to make sure the operation was effective. He said it is rare but they do have to redo them sometimes. Ugh.   I hope to be unexceptional in that area.

So, if you are considering a permanent  form of birth control then this would be an easy way to go.


Knaab's picture
Submitted by Knaab on Tue, 05/29/2007 - 21:44
I had the procedure....yeah...the dr totally didnt numb the entire area...and I found out when they went to cauterize the tube.
NewBoyX's picture
Submitted by NewBoyX on Tue, 05/29/2007 - 21:46
I have been thinking of having "The Procedure", thanks for the words of wisdom.
tarbs's picture
Submitted by tarbs on Tue, 05/29/2007 - 21:54
yeah. i told cookie that if we hit 35 and she still says no more babies then I'll have IT done too. 2 more years to talk into trying for a litle girl. :wink:
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Tue, 05/29/2007 - 22:14
wow, my birth control method consists of pulling out lol, me and my wife have been doing that for yrs. still no kids whew.lol glad to hear your procedure went ok
SwankyVariable's picture
Submitted by SwankyVariable on Tue, 05/29/2007 - 22:14
Listen to the Dr. Joebob, my younger sister was conceived after such an operation. Glad she is here, but man, talk about beating the odds!
Smithcraft's picture
Submitted by Smithcraft on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 00:38
And a bag of frozen peas works well, if you don't have an ice bag available. SC
jikado's picture
Submitted by jikado on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 03:20
Good post, Joebob, my wife and I were just talking about this yesterday, sounds like I'm going under, too. Might be worth it for those sleeping pills, maybe.
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 06:52
Been there, done that, and GLAD of it. Of course that was more years ago than some of you have been alive!
itsbillykiller's picture
Submitted by itsbillykiller on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 07:04
I did this about 4 years ago. My doctor would not do a local. The put me out and in two seconds I woke up and was done. OK it wasn't two seconds but it sure seemed like it. No pain, no discomfort, just like he told me it would.
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 07:45
Dude glad to hear the procedure went ok. I'm sorry that no adoring fan showed up but I was busy that day flexing my buns at the beach playing volleyball. Let me know when you get your equipment working how the big O feels or feels different. Inquiring minds want to know.
Knaab's picture
Submitted by Knaab on Wed, 05/30/2007 - 15:36
ekattan, I have had not difference in sex drive or any changes of feeling at all with the big O. But then again I am a horny mother fuckin Irish guy and try to have sex at least once a day

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