Walker's Stem Ginger Biscuits


Shared on Sun, 10/07/2007 - 15:48
I don't really have much of a sweet tooth. I don't eat candy, maybe chocolate every now and then but I really like a great cookie. I don't come across many notable cookies and I usually stick to a favorite until it is taken off the market - such as my past favorite, the Five Spice Shortbread cookie from the Blue Ginger restaurant that was marketed by Target Food Stores. It was a wonderful, spicy, buttery shortbread cookie that had a bit of cinnamon on top that was perfect with a glass of milk. I guess I was the only one that liked them as they were taken off the market.

I have always been a fan of the Walker's Shortbread cookies so I was excited to stumble across their Stem Ginger Biscuits when shopping the other day. They are a close second to the Five Spice cookies I used to get. This cookie has just the right combination of crunch and chewy and has small little bits of candied ginger that add a bit of zip. Simply wonderful.  And there are only 11 ingredients to the cookie and none of them are monodiglutamataglyceride,2,4, if you know what I mean.

If you are a cookie fan I highly recommend you pick up a box. Be sure to let me know what you think.


ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Sun, 10/07/2007 - 18:04
looks good, but wish i had a sweet tooth for other than oatmeal raisen

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