Shared on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 16:24This is a general call to arms...or specifically, to Inselkampf. Some of you are already there, and some of you have seen the threads already discussing this. I'll quote my clanmate Hub as he gave a pretty good rundown on it:
From the number of posts here, you all obviously love being online. a post in the Off Topic forum introduced me to a browser game called Inselkampf. It's a bare-bones, free, multi player war game that you really only need to check on once or twice a day. Of course, if you want to get addicted like me you can over analyze it and waste tons of company time. It's a slow go at first but after you get some ships and troops it gets interesting. I just pwned an island (it was abandoned but hey its a win). *Hubristes*
Unfortunately, Hub & Mustus are far away from the 4 of us who have just begun so we've started our own alliance 2o2p. As stated, we've got 4 so far, but would like more of our fellow site member to join up so we have a shot at sucess. Please take a look and join up. It's not time intensive and looks rather fun. We'll operate under the 2o2p banner with the same requirements (i.e. 25 & older). If we get enough people, we'll ask for a clan or general forum. Let's rally around the family here folks!
- Gman's blog
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Submitted by madwoman on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 18:58
Submitted by Nutdeep on Fri, 06/29/2007 - 02:31
Submitted by Gman on Fri, 06/29/2007 - 09:20