Shared on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 11:04I am thankful that I live in this country. With all it's ills, it's still a great place. Thank God I'm an American.
I new scifi MMORPG will be out sometime in 4th quarter (I think). Stargate Worlds is in alpha testing right now with friends and family, and will very soon start a beta testing. Here's a peak into the game from Xplay:
The game site: http://www.stargateworlds.com/
The game forums and FAQ's: http://forums.stargateworlds.com/
The Wiki: http://www.stargateworldswiki.com/wiki/Main_Page
Here's the trailer:
I havn't been into an MMO for awhile, but I think Stargate Worlds might bring me back. I played Guild Wars for years. Guild Wars 2 is coming and I might try to get into the beta for that one. Still, there is no word yet as to when that will be. Here's a link to the Guild Wars 2 FAQ page. Basically, there is no word as to when the beta will start, but they have said however, that it will again be only for the purchase price of the game with no monthly fees.
That's about it peeps. Have a happy and safe Independence Day!
For my wife:
- Go_Aachmed's blog
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