Holy cow its been awhile.....


Shared on Sun, 01/31/2010 - 03:04

Seriously it has been awhile since I last posted a decent blog, but the problem is I'm having trouble of finding something to bitch about right now.I'm beginning to think that this medication I'm taking is making me to passive.Yeah I have my good days and my bad days but I tend to forget what has got me upset a lot of the times.Hell to tell the truth I have been forgetting a lot lately.Like right now I just had a brief moment of something I can't really think of what I'm wanting talk about now.


Damn it this sucks big fat monkey balls!


This just started back in...........damn it now I forgot how long it has been going on!


Oh well I'm sure it will come to me later and I'll write down on a notebook and lose those thoughts to for awhile.


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