video games are actually bad for you


Shared on Tue, 10/14/2008 - 18:52

This is what I hear at work from time to when someone sees me wearing my Halo 3 t-shirt.Video games cause you to become fat, a diabetic, sociably with drawn, and your just to damn old to be playing video games period.Video games were made for children to play and those that have no wife or children.

You need a real hobby, read a book, play a sport, coach a sport, find something to other than play video games in you spare time.So what if your the Committee Chair for the Cub Scouts and the fact you travel 80 miles out of your way for leaders training at least once a month.So what if you have to make the hard decisions on whether or not to spend money earned from selling popcorn on what the pack needs.

You need to go back to school, get the training you need to do something else here.

I like to tell them "Hey I already have a full plate being a father, a husband, a brother, a computer tech for everyone in my family and here at work.Do I charge for any of these services I provide no, well not all the time just on the ones that require me to do a complete system restore on a new hard drive.Because some one didn't listen to me when I said don't click on links that say Click here for a larger penis!!!!!!"

I play video games in my spare time to interact with people my own age or that shares my damn hobby.I'm a damn type 2 diabetic because I when I get stressed out I tend to eat and eat and eat. And that is mostly because I'm a manic depressive.I tend to like roller coaster, once I reach the peak I plummet down off that sudden drop off wanting to hurt everyone around me.

But with something to do other than over eat, and taking better care of myself has to do with the fact that I have stress relievers such as Grand Theft Auto IV, Halo 3, Call Of Duty 4, and the other games I like to play.Also I have where I can blog about bull like this and feel relived that I talked to some one or some one else read this.

Do I want sympathy? Nah, just a place where I can be myself, make friends, and a shoulder to lean on every now and then.We could all use one nowadays, with the way things are going in this crazy world we have to share.

gop out...........................................


jackal857's picture
Submitted by jackal857 on Tue, 10/14/2008 - 19:06
Just tell em to "fuck off!!!"
Shashayla's picture
Submitted by Shashayla on Tue, 10/14/2008 - 19:33
Exactly.....tell them to not knock something they haven't tried. Or do like I did, start a video game club for kids! I'm infecting their little minds with the evil rot of the video gaming world! Tell them that TV will never take off either.

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