Writing updates


Shared on Mon, 09/15/2008 - 19:23


The writing, for the moment, is slow. Okay, nonexistent. I submitted a short story nine weeks ago to Glimmer Train, a highly respected literary magazine. I have not yet heard back from them, which is a good sign. It means I'm still being considered. I know it's stupid, but I'm afraid if I do any writing I'll jinx it. It's not really writer's block, more like writer's stall; I'm holding my breath. It would be a huge boon to my career for my first story to be published in Glimmer Train.
On a positive note, I heard back from my writing school. I was one of fourteen people that was chosen for the advanced writing program. I'll be studying one-on-one with the award-winning Patricia Windsor. She's a young adult novelist, which really isn't my particular field, but it's exciting to know I'll be mentored by a successful author. You would think I'd be bursting with pride, but it's actually quite humbling and makes me feel kind of small.
I am now faced with a dilemma, though. For the course, do I use the novel I'm currently working on, which is nearly finished (I hope), or do I start something new? If I use my current novel, it will delay its completion for another year or two, but I know it will be perfect. However, if I use something new, I will probably learn more about the process of developing the story. I do have an idea for a book that I've been toying with in my head for about a year now that I would love to use for the course. I'm just not sure what to do.
That's all I have for the moment. Hopefully I'll have more real soon.


J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 09/15/2008 - 19:38
I'd say something new: then you can work through the entire process from squarte 1. AND once you have perspective, you may wantt o rework some of your nearly completed book. It may be worhtwhile to see how you will grow as an author.
Raider30's picture
Submitted by Raider30 on Mon, 09/15/2008 - 20:08
I agree with J-Cat. Something new is certainly the way to go. That way you learn from the ground up and should get the most out of having a an experienced pen guiding your writing. Plus when she steals your sweet ass idea you can totally sue the crap outta her. j/k :)

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