Shared on Mon, 01/13/2014 - 23:00So let's see I've gone to the gym 2 days in a row couldnt go today had to help the fam but back in tomorrow . I decided to try to learn a song since I'm getting back into playing guitar and it's gonna be a Pink Floyd song "What shall we do now/Empty spaces" nothing crazy just the main rythm I got some friends that can handle the rest ,,but I may add some vocals , this is a long shot but something worth trying for . I also went to a birthday party for a friend I had't seen in like 2 yrs and saw some other friends which was awesome cause got to catch up ..I'm still trying to get my diet straight eating wise I know a lot of stuff get's cut out and I'm willing to do it but some of the healthy foods were always kinda gross to me . I'm willing to try protien shakes and do egg whites but I'm also concidering looking into a juicer cause I heard those are good . You guys have any advice/ info on this stuff?
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Submitted by Nochnoi-Dozor on Tue, 01/14/2014 - 06:51
If you have a blender try green smoothies, then you'll get the benefits of the fiber in the fruits and vegetables.
Submitted by GUL74 on Tue, 01/14/2014 - 10:08
reg house hold blender? I'd try those