The Adventures of Childbirth


Shared on Sun, 11/05/2006 - 07:55

So once again it's early morning and  the apartment is quiet , giving my brain plenty of time and  space to ponder. Reading Gazzara's post of the birth of his son, I flashed back to when my kids were due to arrive in this world. Let it be known that my children are not ones to do anything the easy way.


My son made his first attempt at escaping the womb at 6 months. We went to the local hospital where they strapped on the monitors to get a gander at what was going on and to be sure this wasn't just the nervous panicking of first time parents. A couple of feet of paper later and the verdict was in. Yep, this is the real deal. Being a small town (pop. 9000) though, the hospital wasn't set up to deal with a premature baby of that age so that meant an ambulance ride to Ottawa, about an hour away (under normal driving conditions). Her parents were there already so I tossed the keys to her mom and said "pack a bag please and bring the car up for us". By the time we reached our destination the contractions were about 2 min. apart and the ambulance attendant was sweatin up a storm( never delivered a baby, only read up on it ).

So they pumped her full of steroids(for the lung development in case they couldn't stop it) and other drugs to try and stop the labour. This went on for two straight days. They kept trying to get me to go lie down in the staff room(ya, right!) and a nurse sat in a chair, in the doorway the whole time. Things finally settled down and a week later everyone was back home, safe and sound.

At eight months breakout attempt no.2 came and this time there was no stopping him. He was having trouble finding the door however and so we ended up strolling the halls of the hospital for a few hours. When the time came, our doctor barely had time to sit down when my son practically jumped out and into her waiting hands. Good thing he did come a month early too, 7lbs 8oz. and there was no worries of accidentally going home with the wrong baby either. Eight babies in the nursery and only one with a full head of bright, shiny red hair.


No trailers today, just some goofy pics I stumbled across

Cuda, now pay attention:

Ummm...ya, I got nothing

I can think of better places to keep my phone


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