Shared on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 08:04 So I'm at work walking from the back of the warehouse to the office when i see one of my employees coming out of the bathroom, shirt off, wiping himself with paper towels. Huh? Everyone's on lunch. Then I notice the blood on his hands and on his jacket hanging on the bathroom door. WTF! He tells me that he was walking up to Tim Hortons for lunch and he sees this guy beating on a girl in the parking lot. He steps up and tells the guy "that'll be enough of that". The tough guy turns and tells him to fuck off and mind his own business. Not fucking likely and proceeds to lay a beating on this tool. Then he has to book it back to work because he's on probation. The real shit part is he lost his wedding ring during the scuffle. Nothing like the local coffee shop after last call.
On a happier note, my nephew had his first football practice yesterday. He's 10. And a bit of a runt for his age. I'm keeping my fingers crossed he got more of my sister's genes than his father's(who is also kinda short) and he'll shoot up like a bad weed at some point. Here's a couple of pics. He's the one in the teal jersey.

I'm looking forward to my sister recording his games so I can have a good chuckle at all the little billygoats running around knocking the snot out of each other.
On a happier note, my nephew had his first football practice yesterday. He's 10. And a bit of a runt for his age. I'm keeping my fingers crossed he got more of my sister's genes than his father's(who is also kinda short) and he'll shoot up like a bad weed at some point. Here's a couple of pics. He's the one in the teal jersey.

I'm looking forward to my sister recording his games so I can have a good chuckle at all the little billygoats running around knocking the snot out of each other.
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Submitted by J-Cat on Wed, 04/23/2008 - 09:59