Rebuttal time


Shared on Fri, 11/17/2006 - 11:51

After reading Cranefolder's blog rant and all the comments on digg, a single thought popped into my head. I'm not trying to steal anyone's thunder or pick a fight but sir, you are wrong. And to all those who disagreed with him, you're wrong too.

Now that everyone's thinking WTF are you talking about, let me qualify my statement by saying neither is better than the other. Simple, right? Well in a perfect world it should be that simple. Video games are a form of entertainment. The first definition of entertain is: To amuse; divert. If you have played a game, whether it be with console or PC, if you have enjoyed yourself and were diverted from all the stress of everyday living then mission accomplished.

All forms of entertainment, be they audio or visual, are totally dependant on one thing and one thing only. YOUR taste. There is no such thing as bad music, bad movies, bad books or even bad video games. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it should be taken out and dumped into a bottomless pit never to be heard or seen again by mankind. It simply means that YOU don't like it. Again, simple.

For example, I don't like country music. The sound of it brings to mind nails on a chalkboard. That, however, doesn't make it suck, stink or whatever. It just means that I'm not going to listen to it. If you like country and are happy when listening to it, then great, it has done its job. It entertained someone.

This is the point where I could go off on my own rant about censor boards and the self-righteous S.O.B.s in the world who are constantly trying to tell me what I should and shouldn't be watching. The so-called experts who feel they know what forms of entertainment are best for me and mine. Ya, right...PISS OFF. But I'll leave that for another time.

So let me sum up by saying that if you enjoy playing games on your computer, great. And if you prefer console gaming, be it 360, Wii, or PS3, great as well. As long as you are, at least for a little while,  whisked away from all the headaches and bullshit that come with dealing with the world at large, then it is nothing but good. Right?





Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Fri, 11/17/2006 - 12:10
but country music does suck... ;P lol.
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Fri, 11/17/2006 - 13:52
Crane made some points in his blog that I would of probably never thought about if I had not of read it. He intentionally goes over the top with his delivery as a way of making a point not because he expects you to do take him seriously when he calls you names because you don't think like he does.
Rhysode's picture
Submitted by Rhysode on Fri, 11/17/2006 - 15:56
Seems your rebuttal spins off into a new topic. Now I don't know if this is Cranes inspiration but it was why I liked the rant... Everyday us PC dorks read all the rants and reasons why consoles are just as good (at things they don't even come close doing as well) or better (because one is unaware or unwilling to know about PC's). No one ever says, "I just prefer consoles" or "consoles are more my taste". Its always, "To even hope to play Crysis it will run you 4000 dollars!" Its only after those remarks get debated and shot down by fact the response is then "preference" and "taste".

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