

Shared on Sun, 02/25/2007 - 16:47

 With all the bitchin' and moanin' lately about who's putting what in their blogs, I thought I'd pull up one of my earlier entries.

What is a blog?

From Wikipedia...

A blog is a website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order.

Blogs often provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diary. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. Most blogs are primarily textual although some focus on photographs (photoblog), videos (vlog), or audio (podcasting), and are part of a wider network of social media.

The term "blog" is a contraction of "Web log."

 Pretty much sums it up for all of us here at 2o2p. Some use it as a means to entertain the rest of us with humorous photos or news stories. Some as a therapy of sorts, being able to get the frustrations and heartaches of the everyday struggles of the "real world" off their chests. A huge community of shoulders to cry and lean on. There are those who use it as a platform to announce to the world their triumphs and accomplishments, big and small. Others do the rest of us a service by keeping us up to date on all the gadgets, trinkets, bells and whistles that enhance and enrich those few hours we set aside for ourselves.

 I like to think that my blog is  a place where I can show the community who I am. Not with an outright "Hi, my name is...." (Dave by the way) type of narrative but by posting pictures and videos and stories that matter to me. What my interests are, what I find funny, that sort of thing.


Personally, I try to read everyone's blog when I get the chance. If it's a really long post and the subject matter doesn't really interest me then I will skim it. Or if there are videos, then I will watch the ones that look entertaining. It all goes back to the old "if ya don't like it, don't look at it". Last time I checked nobody was being strapped to their chairs and being forced, ala 'Clockwork Orange', to watch everything being posted. I think everyone just needs to relax and not worry about what the other guy is doing. Just my  2 cents.




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