Shared on Fri, 02/02/2007 - 15:21SUCKS!!!!!!!
Seriously, with the car down and having to do all my running around by foot, I've rediscovered why I like my wheels. In the winter anyways. My hometown isn't very big. You can walk from one end to the other, at a leisurely pace in under an hour. I also live right across the street from a shopping mall so my shopping is easily done. But now that there's snow on the ground walking conditions are a joke. When the streets are plowed, what's available for the pedestrian is a six inch wide section of sidewalk to use. And that's on the main streets. Then there's the hidden treasures left behind by our canine companions. With all the slush and sand and chunks of dirty ice, it's somewhat difficult to distinguish one from the other.
I found a trailer for a creepy flick coming up that looks just......creepy. It's from the director of Saw.
If you go to the website, http://deadsilencemovie.net/ ,there's a restricted trailer that's even nastier. If ventriliquist dolls didn't give you the willys before they will after watching this.
And sticking with creepy, I found this animated short from Montreal's Automatic Vaudeville Studios that, well, is a little hard to describe. Ok, very hard to describe. All I can say is ?
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Submitted by Gatsu on Fri, 02/02/2007 - 15:29
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Sat, 02/03/2007 - 07:34