I Don't Like Halo


Shared on Fri, 05/18/2007 - 05:26
I may be the only person out there that is not a huge Halo fan.  A quick Halo history.  I bought a used 180 system in January and it came with a lot of games.  One was Halo 2.  I had heard about it and how great it was.  I started to play the campaign and I will admit I enjoyed it.  Then I decided to try it live.  Not so fun.  It didn't help that I was playing against people who had been playing for a long time.  I was not having fun.  Then I went out and bought a 360 and Gears.  I enjoyed playing it.  My friends list grew and I was hooked.  Every now and then I would try Halo again.  Same results.  Just wasn't having fun.  Then everybody was downloading Halo 3 and I was right there with them.  I have played it and I still feel the same way.  Now don't get me wrong.  When it is released, I will buy it.  Everybody and there brother will be playing it.  I game for the social aspect.  Playing by myself doesn't excite me.  I will play it but I won't enjoy it.


skypilot's picture
Submitted by skypilot on Fri, 05/18/2007 - 07:45
H2Daddy - when Halo first came out my fiance and I were amazed - it was our first 360 and we were hooked. But then playing online with kids turned the experience sour very quickly. Halo2 same experience, Gears is my all time fav game and I'm hooked. I'll stick to Gears and GRAW for now I think, although I know I'll be buying Halo3 when it comes out. Sending you FR - just in case you want company sometime Cheers Maggie
kade47's picture
Submitted by kade47 on Fri, 05/18/2007 - 08:18
It's easy to pinpoint your problem. It's that dreaded Timmie aspect. That's why we have this wonderful website. I am in a Halo clan called 2old2playHalo. This means I can game with 15 other people in my party(since 16 is the limit) and play all night almost everynight and never have to worry about playing with kids. That takes the annoyance out of it. As far as getting your butt handed to you, that's what happens when you never play. That's like picking up a new game and quiting after your guy dies the first time and then putting it down. You'll never get better if you don't try. But also in my clan we have guys that hold classes to show you tips and tricks. Then on top of that you can also check your clanmates level and try to game with them since you know the challenge will be even and fair. Being part of a clan with 50-60 other Halo addicts changes your gameplay experience.
CofC's picture
Submitted by CofC on Fri, 05/18/2007 - 08:29
It takes a brave man man to admit he doesn't like Halo.
Jedi_Kez's picture
Submitted by Jedi_Kez on Fri, 05/18/2007 - 08:59
I'm sorta with ya man. I wouldn't say I don't like Halo, but I am not super excited by it anymore either. The Halo 3 beta is fun enough, but it just feels like more of the same. As I play it, I am constantly thinking of gears and how much I truly do love that game and the mechanics of it. On thing that is sort of annoying me with the beta is it seems pretty much any weapon can kill you pretty quick from medium distances, and that includes the starting weapon. This doesn't help when the AR is one of those weapons and you start with it. I find this annoying because a lot of times if somebody gets the jump on you, you are probably already dead. I'll still be getting the game in Sept though, for the social aspect. And for custom games. I expect there to be even more options than Halo2, so there should be a ton of really crazy and fun game types we can make.
H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Fri, 05/18/2007 - 16:44
I don't play with Timmies. Just the other old farts on 202p. Still like Gears better.

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