Proud Dad


Shared on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 19:42
My boys played in their first golf tournament. They played in the 4-5 year old bracket. The oldest won it and the youngest came in third. Best part is they had a good time. Here are a couple of pictures. The first one is the oldest with his plaque. The second is the two of them together. Their expressions are because their mom was having a hard time getting them to pose and they had had enough.


stang503421's picture
Submitted by stang503421 on Fri, 07/20/2007 - 01:38
Awesome! My son just turned 4 - he loves golf, but good lord it's like watching a train wreck. We haven't made the leap to "real" clubs and balls yet. The plastic ones are working just fine for now.... :)
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Fri, 07/20/2007 - 07:21
Way to go! Congrats to them both.

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