Questions About The Wii


Shared on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 07:34
I am planning on getting the Wii for my boys for Christmas.  They are 4 and 5.  They are currently playing the old Xbox.  They like playing just about everything.  What exactly comes with the Wii?  What games, controllers, etc. ?  What accessories are a must have?  What games do you highly recommend that I pick up with it for the boys?  For me?  What else will it do?  Browse the internet?  As you can tell, I know nothing about them and figured I would ask the experts.


ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 08:08
Nintendo Wii Wii Harware Wii cables Wii sensor bar 1 Wii remote 1 nunchuck controller Wii Sports Need to buy at least another wii mote and nunchuck to really have fun or get family games and get at least three of them. Mario Party 8 is a good family game. Also you need to hook it up to the internet via DSL I think and don't forget if you go on-line to buy nintendo points to get retro nes,snes,n64,genesis,turbo graphix 16 games. See boogie man on adult games to get. Have fun gaming.
YoYo's picture
Submitted by YoYo on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 08:17
Get WarioWare and Super Monkey Ball are good ones. If your lookin at playin it wit some friends try Madden. I have enjoy playin the Wii version the best with my friends. Also I would suggest maybe get the rubber sleeves as I have had a slip or two of my wii mote. Nothing got damaged thank god but since having those I noticed that they have helped alot with me and my daughter.
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 08:51
I'm going to have to disagree with Super Monkey Ball...It was way too frustrating to control...But I know a lot of other people liked it...But honestly, the Wii Sports will probably keep your kids occupied just on its own...And then the Tiger Wood golf is pretty fun and Resident Evil 4 and Metroid is getting good reviews as well...
elbe121's picture
Submitted by elbe121 on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 09:31
If Wii Play still comes with a free wiimote i'd pick this up as well. Its like wii sports, just a bunch of mini games, some horrible and 1 or 2 good ones. But hey for 50 bucks you get a game and a wiimote, not a bad deal in my book.
ThePapierBoy's picture
Submitted by ThePapierBoy on Mon, 09/10/2007 - 08:34
WarioWare would go over a 4/5 year old's head. I honestly don't know what a little kid like that would like. My neices and nephews are >12 so they and I are on the same mental level. For you, Zelda:TP, Resident Evil 4, and Metroid are must haves.

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