Shared on Sat, 02/03/2007 - 14:22So my wife got invited to a Wii party. The friends of hers tend to be gadget freaks, so it didn't shock me they would try out the Wii. The smallish get together had about 12 people, more alcohol than the group could consume, pizza and wings. So right there excluding the Wii would have been enough to have some fun. Even being well fed and watered, it was clear the Wii was the reason we were there. I had only played for a few minutes prior in a store, so while I knew what to expect, I was still definately a rookie.
Wii Sports was the only game we played that night, though they did have Zelda, I didn't get to see it. I started off by doing the "Wii Fitness Test" and scored a 50. For the group I was about in the middle. Ironically, the guys who have gaming "skills" did much worse than the girls who had none. Maybe that isn't surprising, but it was a very clear trend. By the end of the night though, everyone was on equal ground. So this fitness test was bowling, tennis and baseball. I tended to not make the complete imitation of the movements, settling for the miminalist take on each of the actions. This was easiest in baseball, where a flick of the wrist was good enough for home runs. It was pointed out that I was much less entertaining. That didn't bother me.
For the most part, people tried to do exactly what they would have in real life playing these sports (we hit all five, Boxing and bowling were the most popular, golf and tennis were the least popular) So the games were enjoyed by all, and the best part was that no one was hesistant to play, but I chaulk that up to people knowing that we would all suck. I wonder if people will want to play against the Wii owners when they know they will lose in a few months? Only time will tell, as I am sure that this is not my lasy Wii party.
So walked away having had fun, but no desire to buy one. My wife was thinking that she might like it, but realized that she would only use it when people came over. I thought that as a party game, it was fantastic, but it couldn't be my only system. I use the 360 as a place to socialize online. The Wii might have some ability in that area, but I can't see it being better that my 360. If we have a vistor more than one nigt a month, its a rare occurance. When my wife is around, she and I tend to go out. I have no kids to play with (although with kids its an instant hit I am sure). So I see this as a great system for some people, but just not me.
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Submitted by sjam613 on Sat, 02/03/2007 - 14:34
Submitted by Baine on Sat, 02/03/2007 - 14:36