Agnostics Are Not Athiests


Shared on Fri, 05/15/2009 - 12:53

This article was a great read, especially the final section, as it hits close to home for me. 
Link:  Former fundamentalist 'debunks' Bible

I struggle with this a lot.  I'm also agnostic and most people misinterpret that as atheist or devil-worshipper.  For the record, an agnostic is "a person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist)."

I really don't try to influence others about religious matters, and usually only try to explain that I'm not an athiest.  In fact, my wife is a christian, and we obviously are very fond of one another.  Not only that, one of her brothers is also a pastor.  He's a good guy and we get along very well, regardless of our religious views.  I don't challenge them on it, and we have some good discussions over it.  I understand the desire for faith, but I just don't want any part of a god that is described in the bible as a narcissistic sadist who would promote intolerance.  I prefer to believe that if there is a creator, he or she would prefer that we treat with dignity and respect.    I don't try to press my beliefs on my children, as I think it is their responsibility to make that decision for themselves when the time comes.

Some have asked me if I feel sad not having a relationship with "god."  To that I say, I have a lot of blessings and have endured a lot of hardships.  I feel most of it were earned through my own actions and the rest were random occurances.  It actually makes me feel better knowing that when bad things happen, that it was random and not due to some diety thinking I deserve it. 


Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Sun, 05/17/2009 - 22:39
Thank you so much for talking about this on 2old2play. I've actually Ehrman's new book in the mail from Amazon as we speak. As an agnostic who can't quite make the "leap of no faith" to atheisim, I often feel we don't seem to be welcome around here. A movement I can get behind is that of "red letter christians." If people were to focus on what Jesus taught, rather than who he was, the world would be a much better place.
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 00:17
@Kwazy...It's too bad you feel like you've been picked on for your religious beliefs...I have been picked on my whole life for my beliefs, and I know how it feels. I've come to realize that i need to consider the source, and decide whether or not their opinion matters to me. Usually it doesn't. People have their beliefs, and hopefully their reasons for believing the way they do...I'm totally cool with that...the thing that puts me off, is when people tell me I'm wrong for the believing the things that I do...I would never say that to someone...I think that's where hurt feelings come in, when we tell people they are wrong about the things they believe.
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 00:22
@happ - I've never felt God was described that way from reading the bible. But, I have to say I've only read one version of the Bible. Maybe the other versions describe Him differently...that's too bad if that's the case. I do however, like the way you describe God. :)
happ's picture
Submitted by happ on Mon, 05/18/2009 - 06:37
Thank you for the kind comments Kwazy and hilskie. :)

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