Shared on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 12:58Film Review
2 Girls 1 Cup
In the masterful modern work 2girls1cup, the feminist genre is reexamined through a series of reversals of expectations. The prevalent ideologies of our culture are filtered through the lens of the pornographic genre - and, in true morder form - the work tends to raise more questions than it answers.
The opening image, that of the stenciled “MFX 1209″ suggests a confusing misunderstanding - the 1209 seems as some sort of date, yet the aesthetic number lends itself to a futuristic association. This blurring of past and future mixed with the confusion of the assumed-to-be acronym primes the audience for the confusion to come.
The first image with the two primary characters (who, for the sake of this reading, I will consider to be the “2girls that are referred to in the title_ is seemingly innocuous - the cross-cultural, lesbian interaction defines the equal-rights(both feminine and racial) within the genre of pornography.
The gentle background music lulls the audience to sleep, and the timely but gradual change into the next shot at :11 goes by largely unnoticed by the audience. The eyes are immediately drawn to the “Cup” (also presumed to be that mentioned in the title) the inversion of the phallus and perhaps one of the most overarching symbols for feminine spirituality and sexuality in antiquity.
The gentle piano concerto will continue as the cup is suddenly and ironically filled with a streaming shot of fecal matter from the anus of our primary character. In this way, the masculines, derogatory nature of the pornographic genre returns in a surprising, explosive manner. The fecal matter “penetrates” the sacred chalice, which raises a number of interesting questions. Many of these questions pertains to lesbian sexuality - is womanly love possible without the masculine grotesque?Is the pornographic genre doomed to exist within the realm of humiliating acts, even when the only participants are an innocuous 2 girls, and 1 cup? The later image of the two characters attempting to kiss through the feces of masculine grotesque (as well as the literal feces) will only support this theme.
The excited but hesitant tonguing suggests a sort of apprehension on the part of the lead characters, but by :25 any hope of redemption has been lost. This transition from playful tonguing to full fecal consumption happens as suddenly as the transitionto the original defecatory act - why do these central thematic moments happen offstage? There is no dramatic dialogue, neither character gives voice to the greater internal struggles that surely must precede the decision to consume another’s feces. This central thematic crux is internalized in both the characters, and thus is obscured from the audiences perception as well.
If you’re unsure what 2girls1cup is, I suggest you don’t find out. The scarring that can occur never ever goes away. It does contain pornography, so please check with your local authorities if you are of age to view this content. Still keen? Google is your friend. Definitley NSFW so do not click if the boss is around.
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Submitted by JeepChick on Mon, 03/09/2009 - 11:25
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 06/22/2011 - 10:24
Submitted by Biznass on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 13:05
Submitted by JeepChick on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 13:18
Submitted by th3midnighter on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 13:21
Submitted by sicrik on Fri, 03/06/2009 - 14:40