

Shared on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 15:24

Anyone else catch our president last night? I was very impressed with his speech. Of course I am not foolish enough to believe that we can make everything better with a Stimulus Plan but I am hopeful for things that will be a by-product of the stimulus. More green jobs, more focus on science, more money to build and repair schools, more money for infrastructure projects, more money for solar panels, a focus on Universal Healthcare, there is more but I will leave it at that.

Then I saw the supposed future of the Republican party, Bobby Jindal. Wow. What a joke. Like him or not, Obama is a great speaker, and a tough act to follow. Compared to Obama's speech Jindal sounded like a really bad used car salesman. Forget the fact that Jindal is a Creationist. Forget the fact that he writes about his experiences with exorcisms. He has a right to be crazy. But trying to go toe to toe on the economy with Obama when the entire country is suffering is not a good idea. CNN polls show that only 8% of those polled had a negative reation to the speech. 92% liked the speech. America wants the stimulus to work. This is not wasteful spending, this is not pork, this is a first step towards fixing a battered economy.

If Palin or Jindal are the future of the Republican party then 2012 should be a cake walk. Unless there is a Republican who is a Centrist or a Moderate arises the GOP will be hard pressed to win a national election. The strategy seems to be to only cater to the religious right and the rich. To have a platform that says no gays, no evolutionists, no feminists, no atheists, no muslims, no minorities, no poor, no middle class, no unions, no pro-chice advocates.... is a losing strategy.


MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 16:11
I have to disagree with you on almost everything, except for the part about Bobby not bringing his A game. Even the conservative talk radio crowd I listen to didn't have a whole lot of nice things to say about his speech. You will however note that I gave you a thumbs up, because you had the stones to put yourself out there. I may take some time to formulate a piece by piece response.
He11vis's picture
Submitted by He11vis on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 16:45
I really appreciate it when someone can disagree with me without being a jerk about it. That is really cool of you. Thanks.
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 17:20
I get entirely too many attacks from the ThumbsDownFairys. You'll find out soon enough if they don't like politics or if they just don't like conservative thought. I can't remember ever thumbing someone down with or without a comment, not to mention I try to support my clanmates, especially when I disagree with them.
millfire517's picture
Submitted by millfire517 on Wed, 02/25/2009 - 20:13
what mine says. although if you watched fox news poll it would be a total opposite. so it all goes to which news agency you watch. also cnn and hnn and msnbc will hardly ever say anything bad about obama especially even if he is wrong. if you get a chance watch huckabee on sunday night.

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