Is Rush Limbaugh the 2nd Coming of Christ?


Shared on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 11:25

I know I am a lone liberal among a sea of conservatives on 2O2P so I am sure to get a few complimentary 'thumbs down' if I go after Rush. But what the hell, why not get everyone talking?

What is the deal with this guy? At CPAC Senators, Congressmen/women, activists, everyone was on Rush's nuts. It was so strange. It is as if he is controlling the Conservative movement in America. Everyone who openly disagrees with Rush seems to immediately retract the statement out of fear of backlash Yeah, Michael Steele, you are the latest victim. No one seems to be able to denounce this fat bastard for what he is. A racist, bigoted, chauvinistic, mysogynist, egomaniacal, blow hard.

Are all conservatives really like Rush, Hannity, Glenn Beck, Chris Baker, and Savage? Is there a moderate section of the GOP? Thoughts? Polls prove time and time again that this is a center left country. Yeah I know FOX News likes to say we are center right but that is only according to FOX News. No other poll gives those results. *For futher proof see the most recent election. So with that in mind can ultra conservatism last? Or will the GOP be forced into a more moderate position in order win elections?


KittenMag's picture
Submitted by KittenMag on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 11:28
+1 from a fellow liberal
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 11:34
This is going to be part of the whole rebranding of the GOP. Remember the GOP is *supposed* to be about smaller government, lowering taxes stuff like that. They went back on thier original platform: now they seem more interested in setting morality laws, spending and basically getting into everyone's bidnass. I hope they turn it around. See, in Canada: I'm conservative. That makes me a left wing liberal nutjob in the USA. Go fig.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 11:40
"Are all conservatives really like Rush, Hannity, Glenn Beck, Chris Baker, and Savage?" I really hope that was a rhetorical question. It's just silly.
th3midnighter's picture
Submitted by th3midnighter on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 12:16
As a liberal, I love Rush. Not for his opinions or where he stands mind you. As you stated so eloquently, he is a moron. I love him for the fact that he is single handedly making the GOP a fringe party. If they don't get a more vocal centralist to emerge from the party and take the reins back from Rush, its going become the party of the rednecks, the party of the biggots, the party of the loonies who dont believe in Evolution. At the end of the day, no one from that party will win a Majority election again, not if its represented so vocally by a moron like Rush.
millfire517's picture
Submitted by millfire517 on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 12:16
so what do you think cnn, msnbc, hnn are, straight down the middle of the road broadcasters. or how about chris matthews, wolf blitzer, larry king, david shuster, keith olberman, katie couric, jim leher,charles gibson. im sure none of them are liberal big mouths.
th3midnighter's picture
Submitted by th3midnighter on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 12:26
Milf...none of them proclaim to be the defacto leader of the Democractic Party. That guy was voted in by millions of people. Rush puts a claim to the throne of the Republican party by having people turn into him when there is a commerical on the other station. There is a slight difference.
PowerMacAttack's picture
Submitted by PowerMacAttack on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 12:41
I'm a Liberal Republican and I think Rush is a douche, if he is the spokesman of the GOP I will renounce my party in a heart beat. Most of the folks mentioned by both Hellvis and Millfire are celebrity asshats...they only want to stir shit up for ratings and that is the bottom line. Not one of them is a politician or would ever be elected. What bothers me is that so many people listen to these guys and think it is fact...that is some scary ass shit right there.
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 12:47
+1 from a Libertarian that gets tired of being pigeonholed as one with Rush and company. He's an entertainer in my eyes. I can't see how anyone takes him 100% seriously.
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Wed, 03/04/2009 - 14:25
I'm not sure what site you're looking at but this seems like a much more Pro Liberal place from my pov then Conservative. As for Rush, I haven't listened to a show of his in probably 10 years but I do wonder what he has said that is so outrageous? The clips I've heard sound kinda out there until you hear them in full context. That's the normal case though when reported by the media. Where libs need to be careful, is in spending all their energy attacking the man instead of dealing with the substance of his positions. I see lots of celebrity status being heaped on people by the left toward both sides of the isle but not substantive dealing with issues.
MineMagnet506's picture
Submitted by MineMagnet506 on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 14:30
You want moderate Republicans? How about John McCain, Arlen Specter, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins. I am a constitutional conservative. I stand with the Republican Party because I am too flexible to be a member of the Constitutional Party and too conservative to be a Libertarian. When you say you want a moderate what you really want is a RINO, a liberal with a Elephant lapel pin. I cannot in good conscience be a moderate because the Federal Government been over stepping its bounds for the past hundred years and Liberal policies are only making it worse. As to Rush, he's a commentator unlike say, Keith Olberman or Dan Rather who are supposed to reporters. What Rush says is what a lot of people feel. The MSM has gotten away from actually reporting the news, and has gotten into espousing opinions as though they are facts. You still get a thumbs up for putting yourself out there.
Biznass's picture
Submitted by Biznass on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 17:42
You forgot "junkie" and " hypocrite"
DeltaT's picture
Submitted by DeltaT on Tue, 03/03/2009 - 18:19
lol, Rush never claims to be the leader of the Republican party, but the "left" sure does want him to be. +1 for speaking your mind "Show me a young conservative and I'll show you a man without a heart. Show me an old liberal and I'll show you a man without a brain."

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