Tea Bag Parties


Shared on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 13:42

I have not written for a while but I just watched CNN's coverage of the Right Wing Tea Parties that are going on and I can't stand it. These are some of the most racist, bigoted, ignorant, uneducated, pieces of shit I have ever seen.

For those who don't know Tea Parties are gatherings that have been strongly promoted by FOX News and are being paid for by rich corporate assholes. The premise is that the rallies are a way for Americans to fight against unfair taxation, but looking at all the rallies - taxes are not even being mentioned. It is all about hate and stupidity. It is Obama Bashing at it's finest. These are the same geniuses that thought Sarah Palin would have made a good VP. She might be a great fuck but if she were VP... "we the people" would be the ones getting fucked. Anyway, the schizo paranoid Glenn Beck and his retarded brother Sean Hannity have been pushing this event for weeks, trying to drum up support. When the question of who picks up the tab arose people discovered that the same corporate crooks who hide their money in the Cayman Islands now want to rally against unfair taxation. Those rich pricks don't pay their fair share and they have convinced normal, hard working Americans to do their dirty work. It is sick watching those Right Wing Zombies follow their corporate masters will.

Aren't these the same jerk offs who told us it was wrong to talk shit about Bush, even though he is a war criminal? But it is ok to have pictures of Hitler with Obama's face superimposed? Huge posters that call Obama a fascist? I guess "respect for the president" doesn't apply here. Sorry but most Americans give your party the middle finger and said "no more" to right wing BS. Conservatives better cut this stupid shit out real quick if they ever hope to win another election. The Republican Party is becoming a fringe group of nuts. Time and time again polls show that Americans want universal health care, they want to lessen taxes on the middle class and increase them on the upper class, they want social security to continue, they want education to be subsidized with our tax dollars, things that affect us in everyday life, not wild paranoid speculations from some toothless hillbilly government hater. So while ultraconservatives fight against "faggits, atheists, and coloreds", the rest of us will continue working on real issues as we try to make this country a better place.


Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 13:57
issue 1 you are watching CNN's coverage of the event, I was at the Harrisburg Tea Party, it was very peacful and there was no mention of racism, hate, or any form of biggotry. Just several hundred people who wish to make their feelings known, there were Democrats and Republicans present....about 3,000 people were there of all races.....and the event brought in a ton of donations to the local food bank.
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 14:02
and the speakers had plenty to say about Bush's bailout as well.
d0od's picture
Submitted by d0od on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 14:08
Seems to me your a little off in your impression of this, check out the blogs of 2 of your fellow 2o2p'ers blogs. I am not anything you described above and if I didn't have to work would be at one of these protests. http://www.2old2play.com/Blog/TheDastard http://www.2old2play.com/Blog/SoupNazzi
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 14:27
You're right, we need to increase tax pressure on the upper class and on corporations. More companies and investments going overseas means win win for USA! I remember thinking rich people were able to use loopholes to hide all their money and not pay taxes. Then I got into the sixth grade.
He11vis's picture
Submitted by He11vis on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 14:55
Mike - Dude, C'mon. The report was released today showing corporations are hiding AT LEAST 100 billion in the Cayman Islands!!! Corporations need to pay taxes equivalent to the middle class. A quick '6th grade fact' - tax breaks for corporations have NEVER in the history of this country produced a bump in the economy. NEVER. Keep getting raped by the rich if you want but all you are doing is digging your own grave. Companies are making huge profits and then hiding the money, whether it be from not paying taxes or hiding the money overseas. The fable that companies will leave the US is nothing more than right wing scare tactics. Power to the people, not to the select few.
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 15:13
hiding money went out with the Crazy Eddie's scandal. there are too many safeguards inplace to hide money, and with Enron the ability for them to overstate expenses fell through, if people are hiding money its individuals and not corporations and they are hiding it in off shore accounts....and if a billionair is hiding money the IRS would know it....people far too often confuse evading taxes with donating money and earning deductables....just like giving to non-profit and writing it off, but they do it in a much larger scale.
He11vis's picture
Submitted by He11vis on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 15:33
We will agree to disagree. My facts show billions of dollars not being paid in taxes by wealthy corporations... but let's let that lie for now. Back to the subject - what is the point of the tea parties? to fight imaginary socialism? to hate on america? to bitch and whine because the Repubs lost? This is straight up FOX News and rich conservatives getting people angry. This administration has done an amazing job but the right wingers will never be happy. Their guy [and girl] lost. The End. It is our turn and for once we might have some sane responsible polices enacted. Oh yeah, and I am sure you all hate the 6% income tax reduction for families making less than 250K?
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 15:36
Sight some sources. "being paid for by rich corporate assholes" Source? "tax breaks for corporations have NEVER in the history of this country produced a bump in the economy." Source? "My facts show billions of dollars not being paid in taxes by wealthy corporations" Source? Oh...and I'm going to the protest here. Are you claiming (in your broad and highly educated generalizations) that I am in ignorant bigot?
DeltaT's picture
Submitted by DeltaT on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 16:30
DO ever have an original thought or do just spew shit you read and watch on cnn an msnbc and then pretend to be smarter than everyone else. Seriously reading your blogs is like watching msnbc only less articulate and not as well written.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 16:37
I would really appreciate some sources for your rants. Just like I tell the clients I work with, prove it. Otherwise, if there is no documentation to back up your claim, it didn't happen!
He11vis's picture
Submitted by He11vis on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 17:21
No problem at all. Sources will be here tonight! For now, I am outta here - the work day has ended. But remember the TRUTH has a very liberal bias. It always seems to be on our side. See ya!
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 19:24
The think the "report released today" is the report from last December by the GAO... http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-09-157 The GAO says 'GAO did not attempt to determine if corporations or contractors with subsidiaries in such jurisdictions engaged in transactions with their subsidiaries to reduce their tax burden" The $100 billion number seems to come from CBS news, but there is a difference between a report "showing corporations are hiding AT LEAST 100 billion " and the statement that "it's estimated that tax havens cost U.S. taxpayers $100 billion a year in lost revenue." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/02/23/eveningnews/main4822689.shtml Bottom line...those committing crimes are being investigated and prosecuted http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=7210007&page=1 or they are being utilized legally under US law. I will not debate that the law should be changed...the entire tax cost should change because it is rife with social manipulation and favors for special interests at the expense of the average citizen. But that is congress...favor after favor. But even if we could and did collect the $100 billion/year, look at the chart on Soups blog http://www.2old2play.com/Blog/Permalink/2249/33161 The Obama deficits are still larger than anything in the past 9 years and extend for 10 years (likely more). Show me how that can be paid for.
He11vis's picture
Submitted by He11vis on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 21:59
Thanks Dastard (no joke, I honestly appreciate someone who does their research) but that was only part of the story. I was also talking about the IRS reports on the inequality of the middle class tax burden vs. those who make $250K+. The Tea Parties were funded and organized by FreedomWorks and Americans for Progress. Those organizations are run by Dick Armey and funded by the Koch family and another Bushie. That information can be found on their own websites. They were also heavliy promoted by FOX, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush etc... Believe it or not I DO watch FOX news (for the pure entertainment). Huckabee admitted that the Tea Parties are not spontaneous. It is hard to call something a 'grassroots movement' when it has a corporate media sponsor (FOX and Clear Channel) pushing it. I also like that people complain about Obama's spending plan which actually helps the middle class but say nothing about the 8 years that plunged us into debt. The cronyism, the no-bid contracts, the tax breaks, the wasted money in Iraq, the wasted dollars given to BlackWater and Halliburton, the failure to regulate the banking industry, none of that spending bothered the Repubs but now that we have a president that actually wants to do something to help the country, we hear the moans and groans of sore losers. If you hate what I have to say then feel free to stop reading my stuff. I am a big boy, a few "Fuck You's" won't hurt my little feelings.
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 07:23
One thing I think I should mention is that the Harrisburg Rally was about 80% focused on Guv Ed Rendell, he has frozen the wages of the state workers, put up a hiring freeze, then hires two of his campaign contributors paying one $90k a year (to think of ways to promote the state parks...aka spend money) and the other well over $100k a year for a part time job where he will be working for and getting paid another $100k a year by a no-bid contractor working for the statenot to mention the $30 mil "bailout" he gave to a business owner who happend to have given $10mil to Eddies last campaign....btw he sold the company pocketing both the money form the sale and the bailout check.... and don't get me started with his Casinos.
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Thu, 04/16/2009 - 07:59
He11...a couple things baffles me...You are hung up on the funding for the ralley's (I spoke to the organizer here...he was a college student who spend his and a few other peoples money and we have 400 people, which is surprising in this town) yet George Soros funding the left wing of the Democratic party (certainly no different) doesn't register. 2) you obviously have a hangup about the war which Obama voted in favor of every time, 3) you call the war illegal yet even the Berkley Law Center (ultra liberal) says the war didn't become "illegal" until January 1, 2009. True, Bush was still president, but it is a very narrow and questionable interpretation of the law. 4) I seriously doubt that the "middle-class" is helped by piling trillions of $$$ of debt on to the country, 5) you seem unaware of or tolerant of the cronyism that helped get us into the current economic crisis (Chris Dodd and his deals with Countrywide, Barney Frank pushing banks to make bad loans, PENALIZING banks that didn't make enough bad loans, and blocking regulations that Bush (yes, Bush) tried to put on the financial system, 6) you blame corporations for using the laws created by their friends in congress (and yes, some of them are democratic friends...this problem has been going on for a very long time) to reduce their taxes rather than hold the lawmakes responsible. Are you blind to see that Congress and Obama are telling you to "look over there" with this populist bullshit so that you focus your anger on someone else and don't look at what they are doing, 7) Obama as Hilter bothers you (I haven't seen that one) and you lament the disrespect for the President...try googling "Bush Hitler" or Bush Monkey" and then explain to me how calling republicans "schizo paranoid", "Bushies", "right wingers", "racist, bigoted, ignorant, uneducated, pieces of shit ", "Bush is a war criminal" (you know this is a lie), "Right Wing Zombies"...you rant on and on. Take this as a fuck you but you actually have a point about corporate taxes, although between the stupid generalizations and kool-aid you instead just reinforce the fact that you are ignorant and intolerant...the exact things you try to dump on the Republicans. And for the record, I'm not a republican. I have never given money to a republican, never registered as a republican, and while I have voted for republicans, I have also voted for democrats, independents, and libertarians. You aren't getting raped by the rich. You are getting raped by Congress. And it is very telling that you ignore my question...how will the country pay for Obama's trillions of dollars of spending? ten years of deficits ranging from 1.75 trillion to a low of about $550 trillion. According the to New York Times the annual cost of the Iraq War is $200 billion and the Federation of American Scientists placed the cost of all Global War on Terror operations (Iraq, Afghanistan, and everything else at $864 billion for the period from FY2001 through FY2009. That is about 1/2 the deficit for Obama's first budget, and it includes NINE YEARS. There is a hell of a lot more in Obama's budget than bullshit economic stimulus and paying for wars he inherited. You really need to educate yourself dude.

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