What the Hellz a fella to do?


Shared on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 11:01

Just curious about something I noticed with a fellow 2O2P member who will remain nameless. This person was mentioning having trouble meeting guys that meet her high standards. She wants a smart, financially secure, attractive man. What I found interesting is that some people told her to chill on the standards and just let things happen naturally. Now here is where I start to think.....

As a guy, I have some pretty high standards. I am guessing that 99% of guys do. Would you date a fat girl? I wouldn't. Would you date a dummy? I wouldn't. Would you date a virgin? I wouldn't. Would you date someone who worked at McDonalds? I wouldn't. I don't care about personality. I don't care that they are a nice person. There are just as many nice people as there are hotties. Why not find both? They are out there, trust me.

If I am dating someone then the eventual goal is marriage, right? If I have to sleep with the same woman every night, she better be able to make me go Woo Woo every time I see her naked. She better be able to make my toes curl and send shivers down my spine. Let's be perfectly honest here, a good personality won't make you cum. Sure, someday we might both look like the Crypt Keeper but by then I won't be able to get it up anyway!

If I ask someone to name a Supreme Court Justice and they say huh?, then chances are I can't have a conversation with her about current events, politics, or anything going on in this big world we live in. So why bother dating them? 'Cuz they are nice? Don't think so.

I have dated some ugly women before and no matter how nice they are, I can't do it. I can't be with someone who is making $10 an hour and walks around with a belly bigger than mine. Look at me. I am not the hottest guy in town. But I can get pretty women to date me because of my high standards. If women know you only hook up with the best, then they feel like they are the best when they are with you.

The girl you see in the pics below is hot, she can hack programs almost as well as I can, she can do pretty decent on COD, she cooks a mean Macaroni and Cheese, and she makes more money than me (and I make pretty good money).

I guess what I am saying is that if you think you are the best, then only the best will do. I have always been taught that when you latch yourself to anything less, you will never reach the stars.

Flame ON!


JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 11:17
Your standards should reflect your self-worth. No need to lower them, you will find that perfect person. I certainly did after saying no to three other marriage proposals. So I totally agree with you, keep the standards up, just insure that they are realistic. :) and you are a lucky fucker if she can cook Mac & Cheese and pwn noobs when needed. :)
millfire517's picture
Submitted by millfire517 on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 11:33
whats wrong with dating a fat girl? it looks to me you are to shallow to see a person for who they really are, and just want that certain look. personally i treat dating like car buying, you can find a car that looks like a million dollars, but it might have allkinds of issues, then their are cars that look good, drive good, handle good, and will last the long haul. so sometimes its better to find an all around good person and be happy for a long time, then find someone that meets 1 or 2 goals but will fail down the road. but what do i know, ive only been in 3 relationships my whole life, 1 for 10 yrs the next for a couple and my current wife for about 3yr but married for 1. And as for the person you were talking about im sure i know who she is which i will not name her aswell, but she seems like a very cool and interesting person and i wish her the very best in looking for a mr right, however she goes about it. p.s she hawt!!!
He11vis's picture
Submitted by He11vis on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 12:04
Whats wrong with dating a fat girl? I can't get a hard on for starters. =) Second, instead of dating a fat girl why not date a hottie who is nice? There are plenty of hot women who are sweet as pie. If you have a choice, why not go for the cutie instead of the chubby?
supergg2k's picture
Submitted by supergg2k on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 12:19
I'm with JeepChick, you shouldn't lower your standards, be realistic. Being open to other options doesn't equal lowering standards, either. For what it's worth, if someone doesn't meet *your* standards that only means they are not right for *you*. It doesn't mean they are not worth dating.
KittenMag's picture
Submitted by KittenMag on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 13:54
LOL I wonder who this nameless person could be ;) I'm a realist, I'm looking for someone that is on equal par with me. None of the things I list out I don't meet myself. So yes I think my expectations are very realistic. And I meet men like that all the time. Now it’s just a matter of time of finding someone who is compatible personality wise as well. And yes I have a fucking awesome personality.. that's not even an issue.. I LOLed at that one. I'm not looking for a rich guy... just someone who makes his own money. I have a VERY good job. Most people my age don’t make that kind of money. If I want to take a vacation… I want my partner to be able to afford to go. Just from experience strong independent women intimidate a lot of men. If they are constantly complaining how shitty their job is, and how they wish they would make what I make, I feel awkward. But if a guy has a job that he loves and doesn't feel small if he makes less money then I wouldn’t have a problem with that. Intelligence and Education... Obviously there are some smart people out there without a college degree, and if I meet someone like that, then that's fine. But I would like to be able to talk to someone and not feel like I have to explain stuff all the time. One of the men I have spent some time with recently went to Dartmouth and Harvard Law. We are not dating but still talk, and he flat out told me I need to date someone as smart as me or I'll get bored. Good looking.. did I say I want to date a model? NO. Women are way more forgiving in looks then men are. As He11 said.. you want someone who you would want to sleep with for the rest of your life. And obviously the guy should think I’m good looking as well.. It has to be mutual. Why would I waste a guys time and let him take me out if there is no attraction from the beginning? Many men that want to date me I don't find attractive.. but there are also men who I'm interested in and they are not (and I obviously don't know the reason, but I'm sure attraction can be a factor.). Some men like slender blondes, some slender brunettes, and I'm obviously neither. On match 80% of the men that I usually find attractive list out "slender" as their preferred body type. Well if they can find someone who meets all their other preferences and happens to be slender OF COURSE they will go for that girl. Non-smoking, non-drug abuser.. I don’t like to be around smoke. I start feeling sick, get headaches from it. I used to be 420 friendly… still am if it’s done in moderation but I can not date someone who wastes money on this stuff. Age Most men under 26 don’t have their shit together yet. And over 37 is when you can really see some generational differences. The oldest guy I dated was 37.. single men at that age want to get married and have kids… I don’t. I’m too young.. I still have so much I want to do before having children. For one I want to be completely financially secure, and I’m still paying off college loans. Height… I prefer taller men. I have dated men who were my height and then I wear heels and they get a freaking complex. So yes I have standards, but I’m not a low class, high school drop out with nothing to offer looking for a freaking Pulitzer winner millionaire. I’m looking for someone who has a similar life style as me. Those ARE NOT “ridiculously high standards”… looking for someone who has as much to offer as I do. But if someone still feels my expectations are unrealistic, please let me know... Maybe I'm missing something?
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 16:44
I said the same on Kitten's, but having standard's helps eliminate the deal breakers later on.

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