No good deed...


Shared on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 19:52
Last weekend, I was in MI (live in GA) for a wedding. My fiance was a bridesmade. I was the bridal party's bitch. No big deal, happy to help. I took pictures, ushered guests, checked on the groom, watched kids, got the music ready (f'd it up, but tried anyway)... anyway I was running around a lot. I was hot, getting sunburned, feet felt like they were bleeding and the tie was choking me but I smiled the whole time. We get to the reception hall and they're running out of drinks before the newlyweds even get announced. Again, no big deal, I jump in my fiance's car and head 5 miles down a straight line highway to a grocery store and buy enough drinks to drown a whale.

I think to myself "Carlton, (not my real name just what I call myself) you are racking up enough brownie points to have your fiance present you with a new 360, with a cold 6 pack of beer, while naked, and smothered in hollandaise sauce." It'll all be worth it soon.

On the way back from the grocery store... I get rear ended! While driving highway speed! Apparently, the dude fell asleep and laid on the gas. I guess my final good deed for the day was saving a life by blocking him from hitting a tree. Good one, Lord. Point taken, I guess the sauce was a bit over the top.  Everyone's okay from the wreck, so I'm thankful.  But seriously, 800 miles from home and I get wrecked from behind on a straight line road at 60mph?  I live in Atlanta, people are playing crash derby around me everyday and I manage to stay safe.  Oh well, I got a standing ovation when I finally returned to the reception hall so that was sweet.


Knaab's picture
Submitted by Knaab on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 20:28
Glad your ok and good job playing host when you werent really the a different state....for people you really probably didnt know.... so I am getting married wanna be the honorary beer runner? I will get the DJ somewhere else though :)
Flapjaxx's picture
Submitted by Flapjaxx on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 21:04
Oh man, Hub!! I'm sorry to hear that! I'm thankful everyone is ok though... geesh! You're such a good guy!
madwoman's picture
Submitted by madwoman on Wed, 06/13/2007 - 23:45
Wow, too bad about the car accident.

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