Xbox online support blows.


Shared on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 02:49

If you saw the previous post, you know I have a dead Xbox 360.  It's totally dead now, it doesn't even pretend to try and boot up.  I get the RRoD every time I try and turn it on now.

I tried to register my console online and I must have typed in the serial number 5 times to make sure I wasn't fat-fingering anything.  Every time, I received an invalid serial number error.  I don't know why it would tell me that.  I am well within the warranty period.  In fact the manfacture date on the Xbox is printed as 2006-05-02.  I bought it on Black Friday in '06.

I have to wait to actually talk to somsone tomorrow morning.  Oh well, I'll pick up a core system tomorrow as well and send this one out for repair.  I shouldn't miss any GoW2 time that way.


FireWtr96's picture
Submitted by FireWtr96 on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 08:04
o gotta say i am looking forward to trying out gears 2
h8z_u_all's picture
Submitted by h8z_u_all on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 10:14
We will look forward to smoke tagging your ass in gears 2 huds :D heh
revslow's picture
Submitted by revslow on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 12:02
I got one of those cooling units that fits on the bottom of the 360. I'll leave it on for a while after I get through playing and so far thank God, no problems. Set me back twenty bucks at Target.
alabama_old_fart's picture
Submitted by alabama_old_fart on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 14:52
didn't get RROD, just one light, video card took a shit 1 year almost to the day after the RROD repair. Feel your pain.

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