Shared on Wed, 10/27/2010 - 22:49You may have read in Caesars blog that a few of us are working on getting the 2old2play Youtube page going again. DSmooth created the page years ago but up until this point it had mainly been forgotten about. That time is over. We are gonna go on a full video blitz and start posting up a ton of quality content. We are looking at having a bunch of regular series on the channel including the 2o2p Top 5 Fails of the Week, Game Reviews, etc. There will be a forum on the site dedicated to submitting clips, posting gameplay, taking suggestions, etc. So, ANYONE out there that has any awesome fails, wins, etc in their file share let us know. As long as we have the link we can grab the clip, vid cap it and then work on putting together whatever series it belongs in. The forum is not up yet, but if you have any clips you would like showcased send the link or file to 2old2playVideo@gmail.com
Here is a sample Video Review intro I made tonight, it is on the 2old2play Youtube channel. If you have not yet checked the channel out do so now and remember to subscribe!!
2old2play Youtube Channel : www.youtube.com/user/2old2play
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Submitted by Caesar on Thu, 10/28/2010 - 07:18
Submitted by ThePengwn on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 09:58