The "Diva Cup" or "The Keeper"


Shared on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 11:08

Have any of you ever heard of the "Diva Cup" or "The Keeper"? Until yesterday I had never heard of such a thing until a co-worker told me he bought his girlfriend a "Keeper". Apparently it's a cup you stick up your cooch and it collects the menstrual blood. I guess when finished you pull it out and dump it and save it for re-use. They say they last for up to 10 years. Also his previous gf has a website that features her and her "Keeper". Apparently she does Menstrual Porn. To me this is all quite disturbing.

It looks like an inverted punger to me. Here are links for "The Keeper" and "Diva Cup"


Anyways is this stuff common? Have any of you ever heard of these things??? Because I have asked my gf and a bunch of her friends and no one had heard of it. To me it is all quite baffling and quite frankly it has me a little rattled.




KittenMag's picture
Submitted by KittenMag on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 11:48
I have NEVER heard of this before. And I'm a girl. But apparently there is a whole online community for it where you can talk about it Enjoy.
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 12:01
OK, now that you changed the content of this blog to this....yuck. Seriously...yuck.
IAmTheLiquor's picture
Submitted by IAmTheLiquor on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 12:15
I know its ickky but I just find it weird that people use these and I have never even heard of them
Cerberus4417's picture
Submitted by Cerberus4417 on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 13:30
You are still talking about this thing. You posted this in the clan forums like a week ago. I think you might actually have a fantasy about this Bunny?
TenaciousGinger's picture
Submitted by TenaciousGinger on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 13:48
who the fuck would want to keep that.. im a girl and doing that is just ewww.. mental illness anyone?
IAmTheLiquor's picture
Submitted by IAmTheLiquor on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 14:24
The world needs to know Cerb. The world needs to know. I feel the need to spread the word about this ridiculous contraption
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 11:13
I have had this problem lately also. If you go back a ways in the help section, this topic pops up all the time. Not sure why.

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