Shared on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 11:25Well, today’s a bit of a sad day for me. This afternoon, I have to go to the county courthouse to act as Plaintiff in my final divorce hearing. The difficult part is that I have to testify and present evidence of her indiscretions; it’s unfortunately not a “just show up and it’s done” kind of thing. I posted a bit about this earlier -
I’ve been dreading this day for months every since I filed, but I guess at least the dreading part will finally be over. It hurts to think that just a mere seven years ago, I would have never imagined this day coming. It’s also a bit sad to think about what began with a big wedding celebration will now end in a twenty minute court appearance. Well, as Billy Pilgrim once said, “And so it goes”… Now I’ve got to concentrate on trying to stay positive, move on with my life, and try to be the best Daddy I can to my little girl.
- ImaginaryEngr76's blog
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Submitted by YEM on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 11:27
Submitted by SUPimp on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 11:27
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 11:28
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 11:31
Submitted by purguy on Thu, 09/20/2007 - 14:12
Submitted by TDrag27 on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 11:35
Submitted by ImaginaryEngr76 on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 11:44
Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 11:57
Submitted by M13a77 on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 12:16
Submitted by English_C6H6 on Wed, 09/19/2007 - 12:37